When to call LISTWHEEL_SetVelocity()

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    • When to call LISTWHEEL_SetVelocity()


      I'm working on trying to get a time/date picker working with STeMWIN, I have a basic screen working however movement of the various wheels is something I've not quite grasped yet. Currently each list wheel has it's own callback:

      Source Code

      1. static void
      2. CbListWheel (WM_MESSAGE *pMsg)
      3. {
      4. switch (pMsg->MsgId)
      5. {
      6. //**********************************************************************
      8. case WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED:
      9. {
      10. // React on pressing data areas
      11. LISTWHEEL_SetVelocity(pMsg->hWin, LISTWHEEL_VELOCITY);
      12. break;
      13. }
      14. //**********************************************************************
      15. // Default handling.
      16. default:
      17. {
      18. LISTWHEEL_Callback(pMsg);
      19. break;
      20. }
      21. }
      22. }
      23. /******************************************************************************/
      Display All

      When I touch on the wheel it moves, however it only moves in 1 direction. I'm wondering how (if?) I control the direction of movement with listwheels? The example code looks like this:

      Source Code

      1. case WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED:
      2. //
      3. // React on pressing data areas
      4. //
      5. pState = (const WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED_INFO *)pMsg->Data.p;
      6. if ((pState->StatePrev == 0) && (pState->State == 1)) {
      7. x = pState->x;
      8. y = pState->y;
      9. if ((x >= 10) && (x <= 230)) {
      10. for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
      11. if ((y >= (75 + j * 40)) && (y < 75 + (j + 1) * 40)) {
      12. if (Selection != j) {
      13. Selection = j;
      14. for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      15. LISTWHEEL_MoveToPos(_aWheel[i].hWin, _aSelection[Selection][i]);
      16. }
      17. WM_InvalidateWindow(pMsg->hWin);
      18. }
      19. }
      20. }
      21. }
      22. }
      23. break;
      Display All
      Which sadly I am struggling to understand - I suspect this is trying to find the list wheel selection at given screen coordinates. However this would surely just move the wheel there, rather than enable a smooth scroll to a new selection.

      All in all I'm a little confused about this widget and would like some pointing in the right direction.

    • Hi,

      To move the LISTWHEEL to the other direction simply make the value negative.

      LISTWHEEL_SetVelocity(pMsg->hWin, -LISTWHEEL_VELOCITY);

      If I get you right you want to move the LISTWHEEL to the item under the position you have clicked, right?

      Maybe like this:

      C Source Code

      1. #include "DIALOG.h"
      2. #include <stdio.h>
      3. /*********************************************************************
      4. *
      5. * Externals
      6. *
      7. **********************************************************************
      8. */
      9. /*********************************************************************
      10. *
      11. * Defines
      12. *
      13. **********************************************************************
      14. */
      15. #define ID_WINDOW_0 (GUI_ID_USER + 0x00)
      16. #define ID_LISTWHEEL_0 (GUI_ID_USER + 0x01)
      17. /*********************************************************************
      18. *
      19. * Static data
      20. *
      21. **********************************************************************
      22. */
      23. /*********************************************************************
      24. *
      25. * _aDialogCreate
      26. */
      27. static const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO _aDialogCreate[] = {
      28. { WINDOW_CreateIndirect, "Window", ID_WINDOW_0, 0, 0, 480, 272, 0, 0x0, 0 },
      29. { LISTWHEEL_CreateIndirect, "Listwheel", ID_LISTWHEEL_0, 25, 25, 160, 200, 0, 0x0, 0 },
      30. };
      31. /*********************************************************************
      32. *
      33. * Static code
      34. *
      35. **********************************************************************
      36. */
      37. /*********************************************************************
      38. *
      39. * _cbDialog
      40. */
      41. static void _cbDialog(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
      42. WM_HWIN hItem;
      43. int NCode;
      44. int Id;
      45. char acBuffer[32];
      46. int i;
      47. int Sel;
      48. GUI_PID_STATE State;
      49. int Item;
      50. int yPos;
      51. int SnapPos;
      52. switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
      53. case WM_INIT_DIALOG:
      54. //
      55. // Initialization of 'Listwheel'
      56. //
      57. hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_LISTWHEEL_0);
      58. for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
      59. sprintf(acBuffer, "Item %i", i);
      60. LISTWHEEL_AddString(hItem, acBuffer);
      61. }
      62. SnapPos = (WM_GetWindowSizeY(hItem) - LISTWHEEL_GetLineHeight(hItem)) / 2;
      63. LISTWHEEL_SetSnapPosition(hItem, SnapPos);
      64. LISTWHEEL_SetDeceleration(hItem, 5);
      65. break;
      66. case WM_NOTIFY_PARENT:
      67. Id = WM_GetId(pMsg->hWinSrc);
      68. NCode = pMsg->Data.v;
      69. switch(Id) {
      70. case ID_LISTWHEEL_0: // Notifications sent by 'Listwheel'
      71. switch(NCode) {
      73. break;
      75. if (!LISTWHEEL_IsMoving(pMsg->hWinSrc)) {
      76. GUI_PID_GetCurrentState(&State);
      77. yPos = State.y - (WM_GetWindowOrgY(pMsg->hWinSrc) - WM_GetWindowOrgY(pMsg->hWin));
      78. Item = LISTWHEEL_GetItemFromPos(pMsg->hWinSrc, yPos);
      79. LISTWHEEL_SetSel(pMsg->hWinSrc, Item);
      80. LISTWHEEL_MoveToPos(pMsg->hWinSrc, Item);
      81. }
      82. break;
      84. break;
      85. }
      86. break;
      87. }
      88. break;
      89. default:
      90. WM_DefaultProc(pMsg);
      91. break;
      92. }
      93. }
      94. /*********************************************************************
      95. *
      96. * Public code
      97. *
      98. **********************************************************************
      99. */
      100. /*********************************************************************
      101. *
      102. * MainTask
      103. */
      104. void MainTask(void) {
      105. GUI_Init();
      106. GUI_CreateDialogBox(_aDialogCreate, GUI_COUNTOF(_aDialogCreate), _cbDialog, WM_HBKWIN, 0, 0);
      107. while (1) {
      108. GUI_Delay(100);
      109. }
      110. }
      Display All

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