unable to halt ARM core

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  • unable to halt ARM core

    Hi at all,

    I designed a my own Cirrus ARM 9307 board. Now I started with commissioning. I started J-Link Commander (V3.78d).

    The message is :

    "Info: TotalIRLen=4, IRPrint = 0x01"

    "JTAG Speed: 29kHz"

    "Info: Using DBGRQ to halt CPU"

    "Resetting TRST in order to halt CPU"

    "Info: CP15.0.0, 0x41129200, ARM, architecture 4T"

    "Error: unable to halt ARM core"

    "Trying to connect with 5kHz!"

    It's also not possible to debug a blinky in IAR IDE. X(

  • Obviously J-Link can "talk" to your chip.
    The problem is that it can not halt the chip for some reason.
    Most likely cause is that the target CPU has no clock or that
    it is performing a memory access which halts the CPU indefinetly.

    Can you
    a) Check if the CPU has a clock
    b) Check if there is a "WAit" Signal which may be active

    If this does not help, try "rx 0" from J-Link Commander as follows:

    SEGGER J-Link Commander V3.78a ('?' for help)
    Compiled Dec 4 2007 22:18:44
    DLL version V3.78a, compiled Dec 4 2007 22:18:35
    Firmware: J-Link compiled Dec 03 2007 17:15:31 ARM Rev.5
    Hardware: V5.30
    S/N : 1
    Feature(s) : RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
    VTarget = 3.306V
    Info: TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01
    JTAG speed: 30 kHz
    Found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 4:
    Id of device #0: 0x3F0F0F0F
    Found ARM with core Id 0x3F0F0F0F (ARM7)
    J-Link>speed 2000
    JTAG speed: 2000 kHz
    J-Link>rx 0
    Reset delay: 0 ms
    Reset type NORMAL: Using RESET pin, halting CPU after Reset
    Info: TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01
    Info: Resetting target using RESET pin

    Does this help ?
  • I have a question

    I am using the flasher for ARM... and J-Link commander detects my microcontroller (Cortex - M3). When I try to erase the flash, I got an error (CPU is not halted).

    - ERROR: CPU is not halted
    - ERROR: Timeout while checking target RAM, core does not stop
    - ERROR: Failed to erase sectors

    On our circuit, we didn't connect pin 15 to the reset pin of microcontroller. Is it a problem? Our reset is connected to a R-C circuit.

    Also, I tried to use the flasher as a standalone... and when I press the Start/Stop button, I don't see any programming action...

    I'd like to get an answer about there issues.

