[SOLVED] No connect to target after update

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  • [SOLVED] No connect to target after update

    After using the update from within CCS and updating from JLink plugin to the connection to my TM4C1294 CortexM4 stops working - I'm using the SWD mode. I tried to revert to the previous version, but failed with the message, that the repository download.segger.com/J-Link/JLink_TI_CCS_plugin_unified/ doesn't contain a version - rough luck! :cursing:
    Please advice what to do?
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Such an issue is not known to us.
    Could you try installing the latest J-Link release software and update the J-Link DLL manually in the CCS install folder?
    Does that solve the issue?
    If not, could you provide a J-Link commander screenshot of the connect sequence?
    Could you provide a J-Link log of the failed session?

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.
  • Nino, thanks for Your reply,
    I suppose, I've installed all the latest J-Link software. The J-Link commander finds my JLink, but an error is reported:

    Device "TM4C1294NCPDT" selected.
    Connecting to target via SWD
    Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
    Scanning AP map to find all available APs
    AP[0]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map seems to be reached
    Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
    Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
    Scanning AP map to find all available APs
    AP[0]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map seems to be reached
    Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use

    ****** Error: Could not find core in Coresight setup
    Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
    Scanning AP map to find all available APs
    AP[0]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map seems to be reached
    Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
    Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
    Scanning AP map to find all available APs
    AP[0]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map seems to be reached
    Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
    Cannot connect to target.

    The log file shows some messages at its beginning and ends with a lot of equal paragraphs:
    T89C4C740 000:000 SEGGER J-Link V6.34e Log File (0001ms, 0001ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:000 DLL Compiled: Aug 30 2018 17:38:58 (0001ms, 0001ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:000 Logging started @ 2018-09-03 11:20 (0001ms, 0001ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:001 JLINK_SelectUSB(Port = 0) returns 0x00 (0024ms, 0025ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:025 JLINK_SetWarnOutHandler(...) (0000ms, 0025ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:025 JLINK_OpenEx(...)
    Firmware: J-Link ARM V7 compiled Jun 20 2012 19:45:53
    Hardware: V7.00
    S/N: 57000860
    TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021WEBSRV
    Starting webserver (0006ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:025 WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19081 (0006ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:025 returns O.K. (0006ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:031 JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...) (0000ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:031 JLINK_GetHardwareVersion() returns 0x11170 (0000ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:031 JLINK_EMU_HasCapEx(0x00000026) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:031 JLINK_EMU_GetProductId() (0000ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:031 JLINK_GetHardwareVersion() returns 0x11170 (0000ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:031 JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...) (0000ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:031 JLINK_GetEmuCaps() returns 0xB9FF7BBF (0000ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:031 JLINK_GetEmuCaps() returns 0xB9FF7BBF (0000ms, 0031ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:031 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0032ms total)
    T89C4C740 000:032 JLINK_EMU_HasCapEx(0x00000044) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0032ms total)
    T89C4C740 008:867 JLINK_Api_MRU_GetList()JLINK_DEVICE_GetIndex(sDeviceName = TM4C1294NCPDT)XML file found at: ./JLinkDevices.xml (0001ms, 0033ms total)
    T89C4C740 010:875 ./JLinkDevices.xml evaluated successfully. returns 6273 (0039ms, 0071ms total)
    T89C4C740 010:914 JLINK_DEVICE_GetInfo(DeviceIndex = 6273) returns 0 (0000ms, 0071ms total)
    T89C4C740 015:419 JLINK_ExecCommand("device=TM4C1294NCPDT", ...). Device "TM4C1294NCPDT" selected. returns 0x00 (0002ms, 0073ms total)
    T89C4C740 015:421 JLINK_EnableLog(...) (0000ms, 0073ms total)
    T89C4C740 015:421 JLINK_GetEmuCaps() returns 0xB9FF7BBF (0000ms, 0073ms total)
    T89C4C740 015:421 JLINK_TIF_GetAvailable(...) (0001ms, 0074ms total)
    T89C4C740 015:422 JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0075ms total)
    T89C4C740 015:423 JLINK_SetSpeed(4000) (0000ms, 0075ms total)
    T89C4C740 015:423 JLINK_Connect() >0x10B TIF>Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477 >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF>
    >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF>

    Any hint how to cure appreciated very much. Klaus-Michael
  • Hello,

    Thank you for providing the logs.
    The J-Link you are using is to old and does not support Cortex-M4 debugging.
    So it should never have worked in the first place. If it did it was by accident.
    More information about each J-Link HW versions features can be found here: wiki.segger.com/Software_and_Hardware_Features_Overview
    As the J-Link V7 is out of maintenance and support for years now we recommend making use of our trade-in program: segger.com/purchase/trade-in-program/

    Best regards,

    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.
  • Nino, thanks a lot. As this JLink did the job so far, I didn't notice, that it was not supposed to work with a M4 CPU.
    I've just contacted the sales department to trade in that old JLink of mine.
    But all this will at least cost me several days, that I'm not able to work on my hardware design. I have a backup of my Linux system and will try to revert it to the version. Much easier and less effort would be, Segger could put back the old version into the repository download.segger.com/J-Link/JLink_TI_CCS_plugin_unified/ ??? Is that possible?

    Regards too from Klaus-Michael
  • Folks,
    finally, I tried out a newer Version JLink Plus Hardware V9 and ... found the same failures.

    Well, after a lot of head shaking, I noticed another difference except the JLink driver update from 6.32 to 6.34 in my workbench setup. The Cortex M4 was clocked with another frequency that was lower than the SWD debugger clock.
    That caused the strange behavior. Sometimes the JLink managed to connect, sometimes not. In that case the " ****** Error: Could not find core in Coresight setup " appeared.
    When the M4 is clocked fast enough, everything works as before - even my old Hardware V7 JLink does the job again.
  • Hello Klaus-Michael,

    Great to hear that you are up and running again.
    For clarification what was causing the lower clock? Was it an application running already in the target?
    If you are looking for an alternative IDE we suggest using Embedded Studio: segger.com/products/development-tools/embedded-studio/
    Alternatively if you want to keep using CSS we recommend using Ozone as the debug tool for best J-Link compatibility: segger.com/products/development-tools/ozone-j-link-debugger/

    Best regards,

    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.