OLED 128x128 + SSD1351

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    • OLED 128x128 + SSD1351


      We are using OLED 128x128 with SSD1351 controlled and have come across the following issue.

      When drawing a string, polygon… there is an unwanted side effect in the horizontal area where an object is drawn. In this case is a black text on top of a LIGHTCYAN background. Left and right of the text is an area notably more "light" than the rest of the background. An example is attached.

      pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR, GUICC_565, 0, 0);
      LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS);
      PortAPI.pfWrite8_A0 = LcdWriteReg;
      PortAPI.pfWrite8_A1 = LcdWriteData;
      PortAPI.pfWriteM8_A1 = LcdWriteDataMultiple;
      PortAPI.pfReadM8_A1 = LcdReadDataMultiple;
      GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc(pDevice, &PortAPI, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66722, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C0B8);

      Config.Orientation = GUI_MIRROR_Y;
      Config.RegEntryMode = 0x20; // Enable COM Split Odd Even
      GUIDRV_FlexColor_Config(pDevice, &Config);

      We would appreciate if you could help us out and point us in the right direction on how to solve the bellow issues and what is causing it.
      Best regards,
      • 20180816_152103.jpg

        572.59 kB, 1,176×1,184, viewed 395 times
    • Hi,

      Once I experienced the same. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do against, becasue this is related to the LCD controller / display and not to emWin. If you take a look into the frame buffer or the check the data send to the controller you will see that they have the proper value.

      A different display/LCD Controller will most likely solve this.

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