How to set the border size of a window

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    • How to set the border size of a window

      in the emWin 5.40 reference manual I find:

      Returns the coordinates of the client area of the active widget less the border size.
      The function sends a message to the active window to retrieve the inside rectangle.
      If the widget does not handle the message (that means the widget has no border)
      WM_GetClientRect will be used to calculate the rectangle. The result is given in win-
      dow coordinates. That means x0 and y0 of the GUI_RECT structure corresponds to
      the border size in x and y, x1 and y1 corresponds to the size of the window less the
      border size - 1.

      He talks about a window border.
      I am writing a new custom widget, how do I set the border, for example 1 pixel, so that WM_GetInsideRect() considers it?

      best regards
    • Hi,

      I am writing a new custom widget, how do I set the border, for example 1 pixel, so that WM_GetInsideRect() considers it?
      Your custom widget has to react on WM_GET_INSIDE_RECT and set the data pointer of the message.

      Like this:

      C Source Code

      1. case WM_GET_INSIDE_RECT:
      2. pRect = (GUI_RECT *)(pMsg->Data.p);
      3. pRect->x0 = 1;
      4. pRect->y0 = 2;
      5. pRect->x1 = 3;
      6. pRect->y1 = 4;
      7. break;

      How the border is calculated is up to you. You could use the rectangle return by WM_GetClientRect() and reduce it about the border size.

      I think we should adapt the manual at this point, since the message WM_GET_INSIDE_RECT is not documented.

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