[SOLVED] uC/OS-II Q, MBOX, Mutex and other events not recorded

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  • [SOLVED] uC/OS-II Q, MBOX, Mutex and other events not recorded

    I'm using instrumented uC/OS-II core and am viewing task and ISR entry and exits as expected. However, I'm not seeing entry/exit events for mutexes, mboxes, queues or other RTOS resources. I see the RTOS is instrumented to trace these issues but I don't see anything in SystemView. Am I supposed to specifically enable these specific events?

    Also, does anyone have an example where they used the user event recording? We have a macro for entering and exiting a critical section (ie, disable/enable interrupts) and I'd like SystemView to analyze these entry/exit functions. My intent is to be able to analyze worst case critical section duration.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Am I supposed to specifically enable these specific events?

    All needed information can be found in the SystemView user manual.

    Best regards,
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