[SOLVED] SystemView.app on Mac OS 10.13 does not exist after installing from a package

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  • [SOLVED] SystemView.app on Mac OS 10.13 does not exist after installing from a package

    hi there,
    I don't know if someone already reported this to you, but for some reason on Mac OS 10.13.2 High Sierra,
    after installing the package the actual SystemView.app is missing!

    The installer adds Description, Doc and Sample folders but nothing else.

    I've tried installing from SystemView_MacOSX_V252a.pkg, SystemView_MacOSX_V252.pkg, SystemView_MacOSX_V250.pkg and SystemView_MacOSX_V242.pkg but with same effect.

    Could you let me know if someone else had the same experience or how to fix it.

    Kind regards,
  • Hello Dimitar,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Such an issue is not known to us.

    Could you check if you have the SystemView.app somewhere else on your system?
    If so remove it and retry the installation.
    When running the installer, could you activate the install log and post the log here?

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.
  • Hi Nino,
    thanks for the quick reply and brilliant suggestion.

    I did search for SystemView.app on my machine and nothing came up. Did it also over the Spotlight search and console find just in case.
    BUT then I've noticed that in Simplicity Studio (Eclipse based IDE) from Silicon Labs, there was an icon to run the System View straight from the IDE, but that was not working either and was showing up some strange error that the app cannot be found.

    That put me into thinking that there is something very odd happening here and I've copied an old SystemView.app from another MAC machine. That did execute on Mac OS 10.13 straight away, but still was not running in Simplicity Studio.

    So, I've checked the logs in Eclipse just to figure out if there is something there and voila! There was this log about not able to find libjlinkarm.dylib. It looks like that for some strange reason instead of executing the SystemView.app from its default folder that executable was moved INTO the package of Simplicity Studio.app hence when you search for it, it doesn't show up. In addition, for some reason libjlinkarm.dylib was not copied along with it.

    If someone comes across the same problem, the easies way to solved it is to install the latest Mac OS package from Segger and then copy the SystemView.app and the lib straight into the contents of the app under Eclipse/Developer/adapter_packs/systemview. So yo have the latest version in Applications (where it should be), but also a copy of the executable within Simplicity Studio.app as well.

    That is how I've managed to solve it, but it is a very odd and unusual way of doing it.

    It is definitely confusing as Segger installer installs everything in its default folder under Applications, but only SystemView.app does not show up there.

    Obviously this has nothing to do with Segger.

    Kind regards,

  • Hello Dimitar,

    Great to hear that you are up and running again.
    Thank you for your detailed explanation, this might be very useful to other customers that are using Simplicity Studio.
    If you are looking to get away from Eclipse debug environments we can suggest the usage of our own IDE Embedded Studio: segger.com/products/development-tools/embedded-studio/
    It comes with perfect implementation of J-Link support and is made from embedded developers for embedded developers. Evaluating the software is also completely free.
    That way hiccups with SystemView should also be a thing of the past ;)

    We will consider this case as closed now.

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.