Analog Touch screen Hardware routines implementation location

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  • Analog Touch screen Hardware routines implementation location

    Hi there,

    I am trying to get the touch screen to work following emwin manual:
    Implementing the hardware routines
    The first step of implementing a touch screen should be filling the hardware routines
    with code. These routines are:
    GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX(), GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY()
    GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX(), GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY()
    I have made the hardware implementations of the above routines and when i call them directly i can print on screen the x and y values of the touch.

    However i never understood where to put those routines in order emwin to "know" what are the implementations.

    GUI_TOUCH_GetState() never returns a value.

    I have tried to implement inside LCDConf.c, at a separete file GUI_TOUCH_X.c, GUI_TOUCH_X_Analog.c etc.
    Nothing worked.

    Am i missing sth here?

    Can you please provide an "official" example with the code structure as it supposed to be?

    Any help would be very appreciated!

    Thanks a lot in advance.
  • Hi,

    You have to put those routines somewhere in your code. Either you create a new touch related file or besides the LCD configuration in LCDConf.c.

    If those functions are present you have to call GUI_TOUCH_Exec(). Within GUI_TOUCH_Exec() the functions GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX(), GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY(), GUI_TOUCH_X_Measure() and GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY() are getting called to receive the touch coordinates.

    Here is an example on how it could be done. The function _ExecTouch() is a separate task, but could also be called from within a super loop.

    C Source Code

    1. /*********************************************************************
    2. *
    3. * GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX
    4. * GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY
    5. * GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX
    6. * GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY
    7. */
    8. void GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX(void) {}
    9. void GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY(void) {}
    10. int GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX (void) { return _xPos; }
    11. int GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY (void) {
    12. int xPos, yPos, SwapXY;
    13. U32 xVal, yVal;
    14. _RequestValues(&xVal, &yVal);
    15. SwapXY = LCD_GetSwapXY();
    16. if (SwapXY) {
    17. xPos = yVal;
    18. yPos = xVal;
    19. } else {
    20. xPos = xVal;
    21. yPos = yVal;
    22. }
    23. if (xVal > 4000) {
    24. volatile int temp=0;
    25. }
    26. _xPos = xPos;
    27. return yPos;
    28. }
    29. /*********************************************************************
    30. *
    31. * _ExecTouch
    32. */
    33. static void _ExecTouch(void) {
    34. int xSize, ySize;
    35. int MirrorX, MirrorY, SwapXY;
    36. MirrorX = LCD_GetMirrorX();
    37. MirrorY = LCD_GetMirrorY();
    38. SwapXY = LCD_GetSwapXY();
    39. xSize = LCD_GetXSize();
    40. ySize = LCD_GetYSize();
    41. #if 0
    42. //
    43. // Works fine with all orientations and without GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation
    44. //
    45. if (((SwapXY == 1) && (MirrorY == 1)) || ((SwapXY == 0) && (MirrorX == 1))) {
    46. GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(0, 0, xSize - 1, 3880, 180);
    47. } else {
    48. GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(0, 0, xSize - 1, 180, 3880);
    49. }
    50. if (((SwapXY == 1) && (MirrorX == 1)) || ((SwapXY == 0) && (MirrorY == 1))) {
    51. GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(1, 0, ySize - 1, 3880, 180);
    52. } else {
    53. GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(1, 0, ySize - 1, 180, 3880);
    54. }
    55. #else
    56. //
    57. // Works fine with all orientations and with GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation
    58. //
    59. GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation(GUI_MIRROR_X * MirrorX + GUI_MIRROR_Y * MirrorY + GUI_SWAP_XY * SwapXY);
    60. GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(0, 0, xSize - 1, 180, 3880);
    61. GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(1, 0, ySize - 1, 180, 3880);
    62. #endif
    63. while (1) {
    64. OS_Delay(10);
    65. GUI_TOUCH_Exec();
    66. }
    67. }
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  • Thanks a lot for your reply!

    The issue was from ili9341 part. ILI9341 0x36 register configures screen orientation (mirror x, mirror y, swapxy etc).

    If i change setting in ili9341 registers screen orientation changes accordingly.

    I have done the calibration part correctly finding the min and max x, y values.

    If i change orientation from emwin with GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation() with parameter GUI_MIRROR_Y or GUI_MIRROR_X etc nothing happens.

    Why is that?