Change register on action (run, stop, breakpoint) hook

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  • Change register on action (run, stop, breakpoint) hook

    Is it possible to execute a script on specific action like breakpoint, stop and run?
    I'm writting soft for nRF52832 using Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 SDK.
    The chip is programmed with so called softdevice a closed-source software which uses interrupts and co-exists with my appliacation.
    Every time I need to break I need to change register PRIMASK (Cortex-M4) to 1 to suppress interrupts just before the breakpoint.
    That is the only way to debug without hardfault - one step after the breakpoint.

    So is it possible in Segger Embedded Studio to configure a hook to execute change in a register on a breakpoint?
  • Hello Maciej,

    Sorry for the delay in response.
    Thank you for your inquiry.

    Is it possible to execute a script on specific action like breakpoint, stop and run?

    This is currently not possible.

    I'm writting soft for nRF52832 using Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 SDK.
    The chip is programmed with so called softdevice a closed-source software which uses interrupts and co-exists with my appliacation.
    Every time I need to break I need to change register PRIMASK (Cortex-M4) to 1 to suppress interrupts just before the breakpoint.
    That is the only way to debug without hardfault - one step after the breakpoint.

    In such a case you can use the monitor debug mode that Nordic devices support.
    More information can be found here:…y/monitor-mode-debugging/

    Best regards,
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