In our custom hardware, we are using EMLOAD for flashing the FW Images. Other than EMLOAD, we are having 3 more Binaries, in which 2 binaries reside in internal Flash memory and another Binary reside in external NAND Flash.
We are checking how we can combine all these 3 Binaries along with the EMLOAD Image, so that we can flash all these Images in production setup, using KEIL in a single step.
Our queries are:
1. Does BTL_ImageCreator can combine 4 Images including EMLOAD?
2. Is the CRC residing in FWInfoArea is calculated considering the non-filled areas in Flash excluding EMLOAD area and FWInfoArea? As we are having the external NAND Flash memory, the CRC calculation includes this memory too?
In our custom hardware, we are using EMLOAD for flashing the FW Images. Other than EMLOAD, we are having 3 more Binaries, in which 2 binaries reside in internal Flash memory and another Binary reside in external NAND Flash.
We are checking how we can combine all these 3 Binaries along with the EMLOAD Image, so that we can flash all these Images in production setup, using KEIL in a single step.
Our queries are:
1. Does BTL_ImageCreator can combine 4 Images including EMLOAD?
2. Is the CRC residing in FWInfoArea is calculated considering the non-filled areas in Flash excluding EMLOAD area and FWInfoArea? As we are having the external NAND Flash memory, the CRC calculation includes this memory too?