Trying to flash a Cypress PSoC CY8C4247 device using J-Link. Everything seems to work but I always get an error message when doing loadfile:
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However, after resetting, the system seems to start up just fine. It doesn't matter if I decrease the speed, it always gives the error like above.
What may cause this error message?
Thanks, Jacob
Trying to flash a Cypress PSoC CY8C4247 device using J-Link. Everything seems to work but I always get an error message when doing loadfile:
Source Code
- > JLinkExe -if SWD -device CY8C4247XXX-LXXX -speed 1000
- [halt/reset/erase etc]
- J-Link>loadfile program.hex
- Downloading file [program.hex]...
- Comparing flash [100%] Done.
- Erasing flash [100%] Done.
- Programming flash [100%] Done.
- Verifying flash [100%] Done.
- J-Link: Flash download: Flash programming performed for 1 range (131072 bytes)
- J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 3.940s (Prepare: 0.289s, Compare: 0.103s, Erase: 0.058s, Program: 3.171s, Verify: 0.103s, Restore: 0.215s)
- Writing target memory failed.
However, after resetting, the system seems to start up just fine. It doesn't matter if I decrease the speed, it always gives the error like above.
What may cause this error message?
Thanks, Jacob