[SOLVED] iMX535 GDB halting issue.

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  • [SOLVED] iMX535 GDB halting issue.


    I'm trying to initiate a GDB session with a Digi CC-WMX53-LX board which has a ConnectCore Wi-i.MX53 module on it.
    Connection seems to work but programming does not. Anyone know anything about halting issues? At the same time jlink commander seems able to halt the target.

    Source Code

    1. SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.00e GUI Version
    2. JLinkARM.dll V6.00e (DLL compiled Aug 4 2016 09:37:38)
    3. -----GDB Server start settings-----
    4. GDBInit file: none
    5. GDB Server Listening port: 2331
    6. SWO raw output listening port: 2332
    7. Terminal I/O port: 2333
    8. Accept remote connection: localhost only
    9. Generate logfile: off
    10. Verify download: on
    11. Init regs on start: off
    12. Silent mode: off
    13. Single run mode: off
    14. Target connection timeout: 5000 ms
    15. ------J-Link related settings------
    16. J-Link Host interface: USB
    17. J-Link script: none
    18. J-Link settings file: none
    19. ------Target related settings------
    20. Target device: iMX535
    21. Target interface: JTAG
    22. Target interface speed: auto
    23. Target endian: little
    24. Connecting to J-Link...
    25. J-Link is connected.
    26. Firmware: J-Link Pro V4 compiled Aug 3 2016 18:51:26
    27. Hardware: V4.00
    28. S/N: 174301086
    29. Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
    30. Checking target voltage...
    31. Target voltage: 1.80 V
    32. Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
    33. Connecting to target...WARNING: At least one of the connected devices is not JTAG compliant (IEEE Std 1149.1, 7.1.1.d, IR-cells). (NumDevices = 3, NumBitsSet = 2)
    34. WARNING: At least one of the connected devices is not JTAG compliant (IEEE Std 1149.1, 7.1.1.d, IR-cells). (NumDevices = 3, NumBitsSet = 2)
    35. J-Link found 3 JTAG devices, Total IRLen = 13
    36. JTAG ID: 0x1BA00477 (Cortex-A8)
    37. Connected to target
    38. Waiting for GDB connection...Connected to
    39. Reading all registers
    40. Read 4 bytes @ address 0x77817148 (Data = 0xE3110020)
    41. Read 4 bytes @ address 0x77851209 (Data = 0x4D574343)
    42. Read 4 bytes @ address 0x4D57433A (Data = 0x00000000)
    43. WARNING: CPU not halted after Reset, halting using Halt request
    44. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    45. ERROR: Bad JTAG communication: Write to IR: Expected 0x1, got 0xF (TAP Command : 10) @ Off 0x5.
    46. Resetting target
    47. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70000000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    48. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    49. - Verify failed
    50. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70001000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    51. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    52. - Verify failed
    53. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70002000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    54. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    55. - Verify failed
    56. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70003000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    57. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    58. - Verify failed
    59. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70004000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    60. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    61. - Verify failed
    62. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70005000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    63. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    64. - Verify failed
    65. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70006000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    66. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    67. - Verify failed
    68. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70007000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    69. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    70. - Verify failed
    71. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70008000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    72. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    73. - Verify failed
    74. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x70009000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    75. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    76. - Verify failed
    77. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x7000A000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    78. WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    79. - Verify failed
    80. Downloading 4096 bytes @ address 0x7000B000WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    Display All

    Source Code

    1. SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.00e (Compiled Aug 4 2016 09:38:11)
    2. DLL version V6.00e, compiled Aug 4 2016 09:37:38
    3. Connecting to J-Link via USB...O.K.
    4. Firmware: J-Link Pro V4 compiled Aug 3 2016 18:51:26
    5. Hardware version: V4.00
    6. S/N: 174301086
    7. License(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
    8. IP-Addr: DHCP (no addr. received yet)
    9. VTref = 1.804V
    10. Type "connect" to establish a target connection, '?' for help
    11. J-Link>device imx535
    12. J-Link>connect
    13. Please specify target interface:
    14. J) JTAG (Default)
    15. S) SWD
    16. TIF>J
    17. Device position in JTAG chain (IRPre,DRPre) <Default>: -1,-1 => Auto-detect
    18. JTAGConf>
    19. Specify target interface speed [kHz]. <Default>: 4000 kHz
    20. Speed>1000
    21. Device "IMX535" selected.
    22. TotalIRLen = 13, IRPrint = 0x0101
    23. **************************
    24. WARNING: At least one of the connected devices is not JTAG compliant (IEEE Std 1
    25. 149.1, 7.1.1.d, IR-cells). (NumDevices = 3, NumBitsSet = 2)
    26. **************************
    27. ARM AP[0]: 0x44770001, AHB-AP
    28. ARM AP[1]: 0x24770002, APB-AP
    29. ROMTbl 0 [0]: 00001003, CID: B105900D, PID:04-000BB907 ETB
    30. ROMTbl 0 [1]: 00002003, CID: B105900D, PID:04-104BB921
    31. ROMTbl 0 [2]: 00003003, CID: B105900D, PID:04-004BB912 TPIU
    32. ROMTbl 0 [3]: 00004003, CID: B105900D, PID:04-104BB922
    33. ROMTbl 0 [4]: 00005003, CID: B105900D, PID:04-000BB906 ECT / CTI
    34. ROMTbl 0 [5]: 00006003, CID: B105900D, PID:04-003BB906 ECT / CTI
    35. ROMTbl 0 [6]: 00007003, CID: B105900D, PID:04-003BB906 ECT / CTI
    36. ROMTbl 0 [7]: 00008003, CID: B105900D, PID:04-104BBC08 Cortex-A8
    37. Found Cortex-A8 r2p5
    38. 6 code breakpoints, 2 data breakpoints
    39. Debug architecture ARMv7.0
    40. Data endian: little
    41. Main ID register: 0x412FC085
    42. I-Cache L1: 32 KB, 128 Sets, 64 Bytes/Line, 4-Way
    43. D-Cache L1: 32 KB, 128 Sets, 64 Bytes/Line, 4-Way
    44. Unified-Cache L2: 256 KB, 512 Sets, 64 Bytes/Line, 8-Way
    45. System control register:
    46. Instruction endian: little
    47. Level-1 instruction cache enabled
    48. Level-1 data cache enabled
    49. MMU enabled
    50. Branch prediction enabled
    51. Found 3 JTAG devices, Total IRLen = 13:
    52. #0 Id: 0x1BA00477, IRLen: 04, IRPrint: 0x1, CoreSight JTAG-DP (ARM)
    53. #1 Id: 0x00000001
    54. #2 Id: 0x1190D01D
    55. Cortex-A8 identified.
    56. J-Link>h
    57. PC: (R15) = 77817148, CPSR = 200001D3 (SVC mode, ARM FIQ dis. IRQ dis.)
    58. Current:
    59. R0 =00000000, R1 =00000060, R2 =53FBC0B4, R3 =53FBC000
    60. R4 =77861BE4, R5 =00000000, R6 =77860784, R7 =7785B53C
    61. R8 =77817150, R9 =77817150, R10=7740061C, R11=00000000, R12=00000001
    62. R13=77851209, R14=53FBC0B4, SPSR=773FFE70
    63. USR: R8 =7740061C, R9 =00000000, R10=00000001, R11=77851209, R12=53FBC0B4
    64. R13=7C9B7FE6, R14=5D8D5C97
    65. FIQ: R8 =A4BD3EEC, R9 =BC268EB7, R10=F925BB74, R11=7C75B317, R12=34F73FDE
    66. R13=9FBFCFAF, R14=6D7B9865, SPSR=00000000
    67. IRQ: R13=C04B9076, R14=C40F16B7, SPSR=00000000
    68. SVC: R13=773FFE70, R14=77826FA0, SPSR=00000000
    69. ABT: R13=AC1763BE, R14=AFAFCCDF, SPSR=00000000
    70. UND: R13=BC67FFF6, R14=9C37F67A, SPSR=00000000
    71. J-Link>loadfile test.hex
    72. Downloading file [test.hex]...
    73. O.K.
    74. J-Link>setpc 0x70000000
    75. J-Link>s
    76. 70000000: 18 F0 9F E5 LDR PC, [PC, #+0x18] ; 0x70000020
    77. J-Link>s
    78. 700001C0: 70 10 9F E5 LDR R1, [PC, #+0x70] ; 0x70000238
    79. J-Link>s
    80. 700001C4: 10 1F 0C EE MCR p15, 0, R1, c12, c0, 0
    81. J-Link>h
    82. PC: (R15) = 700001C8, CPSR = 200001D3 (SVC mode, ARM FIQ dis. IRQ dis.)
    83. Current:
    84. R0 =00000000, R1 =70000000, R2 =53FBC0B4, R3 =53FBC000
    85. R4 =77861BE4, R5 =00000000, R6 =77860784, R7 =7785B53C
    86. R8 =700001D0, R9 =700001D0, R10=7740061C, R11=00000000, R12=00000001
    87. R13=77851209, R14=53FBC0B4, SPSR=773FFE70
    88. USR: R8 =7740061C, R9 =00000000, R10=00000001, R11=77851209, R12=53FBC0B4
    89. R13=7C9B7FE6, R14=5D8D5C97
    90. FIQ: R8 =A4BD3EEC, R9 =BC268EB7, R10=F925BB74, R11=7C75B317, R12=34F73FDE
    91. R13=9FBFCFAF, R14=6D7B9865, SPSR=00000000
    92. IRQ: R13=C04B9076, R14=C40F16B7, SPSR=00000000
    93. SVC: R13=773FFE70, R14=77826FA0, SPSR=00000000
    94. ABT: R13=AC1763BE, R14=AFAFCCDF, SPSR=00000000
    95. UND: R13=BC67FFF6, R14=9C37F67A, SPSR=00000000
    96. J-Link>
    Display All
  • Hi,

    Anyone know anything about halting issues?
    Seems like in GDB Server you perform a reset instead of a halt. Most probably, the reset command will not work in J-Link Commander as well. Why? For iMX53, a special reset is required which is not implemented yet and can not easily implemented because it may differ from setup to setup because it depends on the boot source. Therefore, we recommend to the reset on your own using a J-Link Script file so it fits your requirements. Further information regarding J-Link Script Files can be found in the J-Link User Manual (UM08001).

    Best regards
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