I am looking for tools to support a design based on a Cortex-M7 (likely an STM32F7 though perhaps Freescale) with TCP/IP. I've used EMBOS on several projects over the years and have been entirely satisfied with it. I am also liking Segger Embedded Studio and have owned many JLinks. I have only used the kernel-aware plugin in IAR and assume that it is working in SES (will do use that soon on another project).
Does anyone have a TCP/IP port of something like LWIP that integrates with EMBOS? Or perhaps the MQX RTCS? I understand that Segger has a stack that they offer.
Does anyone have a TCP/IP port of something like LWIP that integrates with EMBOS? Or perhaps the MQX RTCS? I understand that Segger has a stack that they offer.