I want to use SystemView in my application and I am getting an error msg: J-Link ARM Error Target DLL.
I have an STM32F4-Discovery - I upgraded the ST-Link of the board to J-Link and when I start SystemView I go to Target -> Start Recording I get the error massage J-Link ARM Error Target DLL (screenshot capture.png). When I click OK I get capture2.png screen where I am supposed to select target device but I can't find Cortex-M4 - There is only Cortex-M3.
After that I still get Target DLL error msg and after a while I get the message (screeshot Capture3.png):
Failed to start recording. Possible reasons:
- J-Link or target not connected
- Target not running
- SYSTEMVIEW module not configured
I an sure that my board is connect and running - I can start debugger from Segger IDE.
One possible pb is "SYSTEMVIEW module not configured" : How can I check that?
Any hint that could help?
I want to use SystemView in my application and I am getting an error msg: J-Link ARM Error Target DLL.
I have an STM32F4-Discovery - I upgraded the ST-Link of the board to J-Link and when I start SystemView I go to Target -> Start Recording I get the error massage J-Link ARM Error Target DLL (screenshot capture.png). When I click OK I get capture2.png screen where I am supposed to select target device but I can't find Cortex-M4 - There is only Cortex-M3.
After that I still get Target DLL error msg and after a while I get the message (screeshot Capture3.png):
Failed to start recording. Possible reasons:
- J-Link or target not connected
- Target not running
- SYSTEMVIEW module not configured
I an sure that my board is connect and running - I can start debugger from Segger IDE.
One possible pb is "SYSTEMVIEW module not configured" : How can I check that?
Any hint that could help?