Unable to connect JTAG Jlink -EDU pod to LPC1752

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  • Unable to connect JTAG Jlink -EDU pod to LPC1752

    Feeling embarrassed, but I'm unable to connect my JTAG to my extremely simply derived bare board. As you'all can see from the attached image, all the appropriate pull ups and pull downs are installed on the JTAG connector. I power up my board and notice the 3.3VDC Vcc is appropriately measured and, as far as I can tell, the LPC1752 is appropriately powered up. I connect my JTAG pod to the connector on the board and proceed to use JLink Commander to determine the state of the MCU. JLink Commander is properly talking to the JTAG pod and requests the type of device and the frequency of the device. The crystal on the board is a 20MHz one, but I'm not sure if that's the frequency of the tap on the MCU side. The default on the JTAG pod side is 4000kHz. JLink Commander states that it is unable to connect. I roll through a few frequencies, to include 20MHz, with no connection obtained.
    What am I doing wrong?
    • mcntlbb.pdf

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  • Hello,

    JLink Commander states that it is unable to connect

    Could you please post the complete output of J-Link Commander?

    Best regards,
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