Setting Frame Color of FrameWin (non skinning)

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  • Setting Frame Color of FrameWin (non skinning)

    Hello to all,

    I want to change the frame color of a standard framewin.

    I used this code in GuiConf.c:
    #include "GUI.h"

    I expected emWin to accept this define and NOT to set it internally back to 0xAAAAAA.

    But it doesn´t work. How can I use the configuration options macros properly?

    Thanks for any help
  • in UM03001_emWin5.pdf 38.5 :

    In case a precompiled emWin library is used, changing the configuration files will not
    have any effect until the library is compiled again with the required settings.

    You can use FRAMEWIN_SetBarColor() to do it. If you use skinned FrameWin, use FRAMEWIN_SetSkinFlexProps() to change!

    The post was edited 1 time, last by chensie ().