Is there a way for getting data added to GRAPH_DATA from GUI heap?

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  • C Source Code

    1. GUI_POINT * GRAPH_DATA_XY_GetDataP(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj)
    2. {
    3. const uint8_t hMemOffset = 56;//Found in debugger
    4. WM_LOCK();
    5. void * objData = GUI_ALLOC_h2p(hDataObj);
    6. WM_HMEM * phData = objData + hMemOffset;
    7. GUI_POINT * pData = GUI_ALLOC_h2p(*phData);
    8. WM_UNLOCK();
    9. return pData;
    10. }
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    Is this correct?

    The post was edited 4 times, last by byteblaster ().

  • Hi,

    unfortunately there is no way to read back the data.
    We will keep this in mind and maybe add such a functionality in a future version.

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