we have some difficultes to use J-Link with TMS570LC4357 microcontroller. When program flash is empty, it works fine without any problem and here is result of start GDB with command line
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But problem is connection to chip where running SW. JLInk reset target sucessully, but not catch it and MCU boot normally into SW and GDB server fails like this
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Ugly and unreliable work arround is reset MCU manually by nRST signal (pin B17) and hold this signal manually till showing line "Connecting to target...".
I am able repeat this behavior on two pieces of JLink, any version of SW with support of this MCU (minimally 5.02a, 5.02f, 5.10j, 5.10p, 5.11d) and many types of HW. One of this is TI HDK board. (schematics http://www.ti.com/general/docs/lit/getliterature.tsp?baseLiteratureNumber=spnr043&fileType=zip ) But our different HW have same behavior.
Any idea? For example write JLinkScript file? How? It looks like I need change reset sequence and/or type.
I am sure, that problem is on JLink, because SignalDigital XDS200 on same JTAG connector works fine.
PS: why JLink detect MCU core like Cortex-R4?
we have some difficultes to use J-Link with TMS570LC4357 microcontroller. When program flash is empty, it works fine without any problem and here is result of start GDB with command line
Source Code
- SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V5.10p Command Line Version
- JLinkARM.dll V5.10p (DLL compiled Feb 26 2016 19:04:06)
- -----GDB Server start settings-----
- GDBInit file: none
- GDB Server Listening port: 2331
- SWO raw output listening port: 2332
- Terminal I/O port: 2333
- Accept remote connection: localhost only
- Generate logfile: off
- Verify download: off
- Init regs on start: off
- Silent mode: off
- Single run mode: off
- Target connection timeout: 0 ms
- ------J-Link related settings------
- J-Link Host interface: USB
- J-Link script: none
- J-Link settings file: none
- ------Target related settings------
- Target device: TMS570LC4357ZWT
- Target interface: JTAG
- Target interface speed: 8000kHz
- Target endian: big
- Connecting to J-Link...
- J-Link is connected.
- Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Feb 2 2016 18:43:46
- Hardware: V9.10
- S/N: xxxxxxxx
- Feature(s): GDB
- Checking target voltage...
- Target voltage: 3.30 V
- Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
- Connecting to target...
- J-Link found 2 JTAG devices, Total IRLen = 10
- JTAG ID: 0x4BA00477 (Cortex-R4)
- Connected to target
- Waiting for GDB connection...
But problem is connection to chip where running SW. JLInk reset target sucessully, but not catch it and MCU boot normally into SW and GDB server fails like this
Source Code
- SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V5.10p Command Line Version
- JLinkARM.dll V5.10p (DLL compiled Feb 26 2016 19:04:06)
- -----GDB Server start settings-----
- GDBInit file: none
- GDB Server Listening port: 2331
- SWO raw output listening port: 2332
- Terminal I/O port: 2333
- Accept remote connection: localhost only
- Generate logfile: off
- Verify download: off
- Init regs on start: off
- Silent mode: off
- Single run mode: off
- Target connection timeout: 0 ms
- ------J-Link related settings------
- J-Link Host interface: USB
- J-Link script: none
- J-Link settings file: none
- ------Target related settings------
- Target device: TMS570LC4357ZWT
- Target interface: JTAG
- Target interface speed: 8000kHz
- Target endian: big
- Connecting to J-Link...
- J-Link is connected.
- Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Feb 2 2016 18:43:46
- Hardware: V9.10
- S/N: xxxxxxxx
- Feature(s): GDB
- Checking target voltage...
- Target voltage: 3.29 V
- Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
- Connecting to target...WARNING: Data and Instruction endian differ
- ERROR: Timeout while reading DCC data
- ERROR: Could not connect to target.
- Target connection failed. GDBServer will be closed...Restoring target state and closing J-Link connection...
- ERROR: Could not start CPU core. (ErrorCode: -1)
- Shutting down...
- Could not connect to target.
- Please check power, connection and settings.
Ugly and unreliable work arround is reset MCU manually by nRST signal (pin B17) and hold this signal manually till showing line "Connecting to target...".
I am able repeat this behavior on two pieces of JLink, any version of SW with support of this MCU (minimally 5.02a, 5.02f, 5.10j, 5.10p, 5.11d) and many types of HW. One of this is TI HDK board. (schematics http://www.ti.com/general/docs/lit/getliterature.tsp?baseLiteratureNumber=spnr043&fileType=zip ) But our different HW have same behavior.
Any idea? For example write JLinkScript file? How? It looks like I need change reset sequence and/or type.
I am sure, that problem is on JLink, because SignalDigital XDS200 on same JTAG connector works fine.
PS: why JLink detect MCU core like Cortex-R4?
The post was edited 2 times, last by jiri.dobry ().