How to prevent SystemViewer from crashing in high load situations?

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  • How to prevent SystemViewer from crashing in high load situations?


    I have got FreeRTOS (v8.2.3), lwip (1.4.1), iperf and SystemViewer (v2.30) running on my STM32 target.

    as soon as I start a iperf session, SystemViewer stops recording. The target can handle further iperf sessions without problems.

    I have attached a record.

      (5.4 kB, downloaded 566 times, last: )
  • Hi,

    With high load situations a larger SystemView buffer is required.
    Setting SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RTT_BUFFER_SIZE to 4096 or 8192 should help.

    Does SystemViewer completely stop recording or does it not get any events anymore?

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