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    used Stm32CubeMx with STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.4.0 to generate my project on
    STM32F030CC with FreeRTOS and EWARM toolchain. The debugger "lost track" the first time FreeRTOS tried to pendSV. After that, I had to pause the debug session to see the micro loop inside a strange
    memory area around 0x1FFFDA7C (which I dsicovered later was the system memory) in the disassembly window only. I restarted everything a couple of time, verified if any ISR were being called, which they were not, and ended up with the same result, always. Finally I switched debugger from J-Link Plus to ST-Link and my problem disappeared.
    Symptom was really an unexpected system reset followed by unexpected
    boot load from system memory.

    Any insights about this particular issue? ST-Link is fine, but I hate working with so few breakpoints available.

    SEGGER J-Link ARM V9.30
    Host firmware 2014 Oct 28 19:25
    Emulator Firmware 2015 Oct 9 20:34
  • Hi Dhémaïus,

    we have tried to reproduce your issue using a STM32F0308 discovery kit, but everything works without any problems.

    Booting into system memory is usually forced by pulling Boot0 pin to 1.
    Although you can still load and run your application (located at 0x08000000) with J-Link while Boot0 pin set to 1, the system memory in this mode
    is mapped to address 0x00000000 and this may lead to unexpected behavior, because interrupt vectors are taken from 0x00000000.

    Do you have Boot0 pin set to 1?

    Best regards,

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