My work environments are--
1- Microcontroler -- Rx1138 (Renessas)
2- IAR workbench ver for Renessas -- 2.80.1
3- IAR workbench ver for common component --
4- Emboss --3.90a
We have been assigned a project which is compiling in debug mode. In debug mode, library used is "osRxfll_FDP.a". Which .a file should be used for release mode?
Further implementation in software is implementation of low power modes, as project is battery operated. microcontroller provided low power modes. My question are-
1- Does this RTOS library support low poer mode?
2- Is there any setting or configuration specific to support for low power working?
If you have any application note for low power mode designing using emboss, then please share.
My work environments are--
1- Microcontroler -- Rx1138 (Renessas)
2- IAR workbench ver for Renessas -- 2.80.1
3- IAR workbench ver for common component --
4- Emboss --3.90a
We have been assigned a project which is compiling in debug mode. In debug mode, library used is "osRxfll_FDP.a". Which .a file should be used for release mode?
Further implementation in software is implementation of low power modes, as project is battery operated. microcontroller provided low power modes. My question are-
1- Does this RTOS library support low poer mode?
2- Is there any setting or configuration specific to support for low power working?
If you have any application note for low power mode designing using emboss, then please share.