I am using emWin v5.26/v5.28 with RA8875 and STM32F2. The display works fine.
However, when I add the function GUI_CURSOR_Show() right after GUI_Init(), the program just halts.
Please assist. Thank you.
Edit #1:
Could it be the GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66721 requests touch panel data directly from RA8875? (in which case I need to initialize the RA8875 properly first?)
Edit #2:
Forgot to implement pfReadM16_A0(), now working properly.
I am using emWin v5.26/v5.28 with RA8875 and STM32F2. The display works fine.
However, when I add the function GUI_CURSOR_Show() right after GUI_Init(), the program just halts.
Please assist. Thank you.
Edit #1:
Edit #2:
Forgot to implement pfReadM16_A0(), now working properly.
The post was edited 3 times, last by chiasyan ().