Keyboard input

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  • Keyboard input


    I want to use the precompiled version of emWin delivered with MDK-ARM for our next project.
    The GUI application will consist of a menu and several submenus to configure our device.
    The submenus will consist of several widgets like EDIT, BUTTON, CHECKBOX, RADIO, aso.
    The GUI will be controlled with the aid of some side buttons (function keys below the TFT and a numerical keyboard) and a rotary encoder.

    At the moment I am investigating the technical implementation especially how to handle user inputs.
    I plan to a use a keyboard module which detects user inputs and sends corresponding messages to the window manager.
    Since the structure of every submenu is different, some side buttons have different meanings depending on the currently displayed submenu.

    I am not sure how to efficiently implement such an application.

    Can you maybe provide an example which demonstrates the usage of side buttons/keyboard in an application with different submenus?
