STM32F429I-EVAL1 demo for emIDE,emOSIP,emWIN,emFS

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  • STM32F429I-EVAL1 demo for emIDE,emOSIP,emWIN,emFS

    After seeing that Seeger has a demo for their products using a demo pcb I have I wanted to try it out before I bought the Keil tool, because this demo has a 4.3LCD screen in it and TCPIP as well.

    But I had some problems getting TCPIP up and running with the demo. I opned the demo up in emIDE w/o modifying anything first then I wanted to add IP and Webserver. Well I did not see DHCP ask for an IP and I ran out of RAM very quickly after enabling IP.

    a. I enabled IP and web server in SysConf.h (See below) Once I did this I saw WebServer.c was included after I built it and burned.
    1.It does not look like DHCP is on, No host with the MAC address listed in IP_Init_X() defined requested an IP from my DHCP server.
    ** Then I Noticed in SeggerDemo.c where INCLUDED_IP, the next line is grayed out even though in SysConf.h it is defined as 1. And the same things happened for INCLUDED_WEBSERVER.
    I attached a pic of this.
    I am thinking this is why the pcb did not request an IP from my DHCP server.

    Did I miss any other configs for TCPIP to get Web Server running other than whats in SysConf.h?
    If not what should I look for next?

    2. Next problem is it ran out of RAM very fast, like it was not using the 256Mb external SDRAM that is on the demo pcb. But I see it is calling a function in BSPInit.c to initialize the SDRAM.
    To get around this for now I just disabled a bunch of the GUI demos but still just made it under when TCPIP was enabled.
    I opened the MAP file and it shows last data placed in RAM location of 0x2001dab4 which is like 121K, that should be well within the internal let alone external.
    Does this demo use the external SDRAM by default or do I have to configure it somewhere?
    If it does use external why is emIDE telling me it is out of RAM.

    3. Is there a user manual for the demos?

    Here is where enabled IP and Web Server in SysConf.h

    * Included middleware components
    #ifndef INCLUDE_GUI
    #define INCLUDE_GUI (1)
    #ifndef INCLUDE_IP
    #define INCLUDE_IP (1)
    #ifndef INCLUDE_FTP
    #define INCLUDE_FTP (0)
    #define INCLUDE_WEBSERVER (1)
    • emIDE_err.png

      14.65 kB, 482×323, viewed 1,146 times

    The post was edited 1 time, last by likeitlowlevel ().

  • Dear likeitlowlevel,
    1.It does not look like DHCP is on, No host with the MAC address listed in IP_Init_X() defined requested an IP from my DHCP server.
    ** Then I Noticed in SeggerDemo.c where INCLUDED_IP, the next line is grayed out even though in SysConf.h it is defined as 1. And the same things happened for INCLUDED_WEBSERVER.
    Having INCLUDE_IP set to 1 in SysConf.h is all you need to include embOS/IP into the Seggerdemo application sample; the eval software package uses DHCP by default.
    emIDE's code highlighting is somewhat misleading in this case, as it might fail to highlight properly in certain circumstances.

    I have tried to reproduce the problem, but found that my target was assigned an IP address after including embOS/IP in SysConf.h without any further changes to the software package. In a next step, by using a network sniffer such as WireShark, you may check if your target is actually sending a DHCP request. In case you cannot see such request in a sniff, I'd like to ask which jumper settings you are using on your target hardware. On ST's STM32F429I-Eval, JP5 should connect pins 1 and 2 for our software to work properly.
    2. Next problem is it ran out of RAM very fast, like it was not using the 256Mb external SDRAM that is on the demo pcb.
    Your observation is correct: We didn't configure the software to use external SDRAM. As the SDRAM initialization is provided in the package within the device support files, you may still use it to relocate the software's memory pools.
    3. Is there a user manual for the demos?
    Yes, we offer an application note for this purpose. It wasn't available when the package in question was created, but will be included in future releases. You may also download the document via the following link: AN00020_GettingStartedWithSeggerEvalsoftware.pdf

    Best regards,
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