[SOLVED] connecting nRF51822 with jlink and flash

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  • [SOLVED] connecting nRF51822 with jlink and flash


    I own a Nordic nRF51822 Development Kit and I'm trying to connect to the PCA10005 via J-Link LITE Cortex M.

    JLinkExe connects to the J-Link Hardware, connected via USB. But it shows me a VTarget of 0.0 V.

    What did I miss before starting JLinkExe?
    I already tried to set a device, speed, ...

    Shouldn't it work out of the box, when my nRF51822 is connected to the J-Link hardware?


    here some console output:

    $ JLinkExe -device nRF51822 -speed 1000
    SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.84e ('?' for help)
    Compiled Apr 28 2014 20:59:53
    Info: Device "NRF51822_XXAA" selected (257 KB flash, 16 KB RAM).
    DLL version V4.84e, compiled Apr 28 2014 20:59:50
    Firmware: J-Link Lite-Cortex-M V8 compiled Aug 29 2012 15:24:23
    Hardware: V8.00
    S/N: MYSN0000
    Feature(s): GDB
    VTarget = 0.000V

    The post was edited 1 time, last by nRF51822 ().

  • Hi,

    JLinkExe connects to the J-Link Hardware, connected via USB. But it shows me a VTarget of 0.0 V.

    Sounds like your target hardware is not powered.
    Or at least the 3.3V expected at pin 1 on the JTAG/SWD connector on the J-Link LITE Cortex-M cannot be measured.

    If your target is powered properly and you selected the device, it should work.
    Selecting the device is a must due to some special behavior of the nRF51 devices.

    Best regards
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  • Hi Alex,

    I want to apologize for my late answer and thank you for that hint.
    It was really the missing power supply. I was hoping that the j-link is providing the power supply.

    On the other hand, I had some trouble trying to flash the PC1000 (USB powered).

    In other forums, I could read about a buggy J-Link version 4.82, which should be fixed in 4.83, but I had no success with 8.84.
    Now I'm using 4.85d and it's working.

    Maybe this is helping someone else later here.

    Thanks für your help.

  • Hi,

    I was hoping that the j-link is providing the power supply.

    It actually can, but for this, you need to know what you are doing.
    J-Link is capable of providing 5V on pin 19 if power supply via J-Link is enabled (See UM08001 for more information).

    Anyhow, good to hear that it is working now.

    - Alex
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