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  • Hi!
    I'm using embOS V3.68n with IAR Embedded Workbench V6.5 and a STM32F103xC.
    Can you tell me the range of the return value of OS_GetTime. It is a 32 bit singed integer on 32bit Systems, but what happens after 0x7FFFFFFF? Does it start again from zero or enters the negative range?

    Is there a possibility to set the time of the OS?

  • Hello Jan,

    the return value is a signed integer value.
    We calculate all internal timings with signed values, so it also works over 0x7FFFFFFF.
    Even the step from 0xFFFFFFFF to 0x00 is no problem and all timings are handled correctly.

    Is there a possibility to set the time of the OS?

    There is no API function for setting the system tick.

    Best regards,
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