J-Link ARM 4.58a and Cirrus ep9307

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  • J-Link ARM 4.58a and Cirrus ep9307


    Can anybody tell me about support ep9307 on J-Link?
    I have old firmware dated from 20 feb. 2006 and all work perfectly. After firmware update i have a lot of mistakes.

    For example:

    SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.58a ('?' for help)
    Compiled Dec 5 2012 18:38:27
    DLL version V4.58a, compiled Dec 5 2012 18:38:08
    Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Nov 14 2012 22:34:52
    Hardware: V8.00
    S/N: 58006516
    VTarget = 3.325V
    Info: TotalIRLen = 8, IRPrint = 0x0011
    Info: CP15.0.0: 0x00000000: Unknown implementer code, Architecure Unknown archit
    Info: J-Link: ARM9, 0 core

    ****** Error: Bad JTAG communication: Write to IR: Expected 0x1, got 0x0 (TAP Co
    mmand : 2) @ Off 0x12.

    Found 2 JTAG devices, Total IRLen = 8:
    Failed to identify target. Trying again with slow (4 kHz) speed.
    Info: TotalIRLen = 8, IRPrint = 0x0011
    Info: CP15.0.0: 0x41129200: ARM, Architecure 4T
    Info: CP15.0.1: 0x0D172172: ICache: 16kB (64*8*32), DCache: 16kB (64*8*32)
    Info: Cache type: Separate, Write-back, Format A
    Found 2 JTAG devices, Total IRLen = 8:
    #0 Id: 0x10920F0F, IRLen: 04, IRPrint: 0x1, ARM920T Core
    #1 Id: 0x10920F0F, IRLen: 04, IRPrint: 0x1, ARM920T Core
    Found ARM with core Id 0x10920F0F (ARM9)

    ****** Error: Can not read register 9 (R15 (PC)) while CPU is running
    PC: (R15) = 00000000, CPSR = 00000000 (Unknown mode, ARM)

    ****** Error: Can not read register 7 (R7) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 6 (R6) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 5 (R5) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 4 (R4) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 3 (R3) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 2 (R2) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 1 (R1) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Bad JTAG communication: Write to IR: Expected 0x1, got 0x0 (TAP Co
    mmand : 12) @ Off 0x1C.
    Can not read register 0 (R0) while CPU is running
    R0 = 00000000, R1 = 00000000, R2 = 00000000, R3 = 00000000
    R4 = 00000000, R5 = 00000000, R6 = 00000000, R7 = 00000000

    ****** Error: Can not read register 14 (R12_USR) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 13 (R11_USR) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 12 (R10_USR) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 11 (R9_USR) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 10 (R8_USR) while CPU is running
    USR: R8 =00000000, R9 =00000000, R10=00000000, R11 =00000000, R12 =00000000

    ****** Error: Can not read register 16 (R14_USR) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 15 (R13_USR) while CPU is running
    R13=00000000, R14=00000000

    ****** Error: Can not read register 22 (R12_FIQ) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 21 (R11_FIQ) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 20 (R10_FIQ) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 19 (R9_FIQ) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 18 (R8_FIQ) while CPU is running
    FIQ: R8 =00000000, R9 =00000000, R10=00000000, R11 =00000000, R12 =00000000

    ****** Error: Can not read register 17 (SPSR_FIQ) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 24 (R14_FIQ) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 23 (R13_FIQ) while CPU is running
    R13=00000000, R14=00000000, SPSR=00000000

    ****** Error: Can not read register 25 (SPSR_SVC) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 27 (R14_SVC) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 26 (R13_SVC) while CPU is running
    SVC: R13=00000000, R14=00000000, SPSR=00000000

    ****** Error: Can not read register 28 (SPSR_ABT) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 30 (R14_ABT) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 29 (R13_ABT) while CPU is running
    ABT: R13=00000000, R14=00000000, SPSR=00000000

    ****** Error: Can not read register 31 (SPSR_IRQ) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 33 (R14_IRQ) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 32 (R13_IRQ) while CPU is running
    IRQ: R13=00000000, R14=00000000, SPSR=00000000

    ****** Error: Can not read register 34 (SPSR_UND) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 36 (R14_UND) while CPU is running

    ****** Error: Can not read register 35 (R13_UND) while CPU is running
    UND: R13=00000000, R14=00000000, SPSR=00000000

  • Hi,

    According to the output you posted, you are using a J-Link with HW Version 8.
    J-Link HW version 8 was shipped from 2008 on, so there does not exist any firmware from 2006 for this model.

    We are not aware of any problems with ARM9 and J-Link V8.

    What DLL version did you use before?

    I have an idea what might went wrong here.
    The default target interface speed used by J-Link Commander has been changed some versions ago.

    Try to start J-Link Commander as follows:

    JLink.exe -speed 5

    Then try "halt" again.

    The problem with ARM7/9 "-S" cores (Like ARM7TDMI-S, ARM926EJ-S, ...) is that the max. JTAG speed that can be used is 1/8 - 1/6 of the CPU speed and most ARM9 targets start with a very slow speed.

    Best regards
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.
  • Alex, thank you for reply.
    Ofcourse i confused date of FW on J-LINK v8. My colleague use J-Link v3 and date of FW i found out from he.
    If I'm not confused, early I used the DLL version 3.37. Original version of the FW can not remember. : (

    Your advice about "J-Link.exe -speed 5" has effect, but sometimes another error is occured.

    for example:

    J-Link>mem 0,1

    ****** Error: Bad JTAG communication: Write to IR: Expected 0x1, got 0x0 (TAP Co
    mmand : 2) @ Off 0x5.

    J-Link>mem 0,32

    ****** Error: Bad JTAG communication: Write to IR: Expected 0x1, got 0x0 (TAP Co
    mmand : 12) @ Off 0x70.

    Could not read memory.

    Some time commands fail:

    J-Link>mem 0x30000000, 8
    30000000 = 78 B8 04 00 78 B8 04 00

    J-Link>mem 0x30000000, 8
    Could not read memory.

    J-Link>mem 0x30000000, 8
    30000000 = 78 B8 04 00 78 B8 04 00

    this case i dont understand:
    (I try to write 4 bytes to adr 0x30000000, but my record is repeated in other addresses)

    J-Link>mem 0x30000000, 16
    30000000 = 74 64 00 00 74 64 00 00 74 64 00 00 74 64 00 00
    30000010 = 74 64 00 00 74 64

    J-Link>w4 0x30000000 0xaabbccdd
    Writing AABBCCDD -> 30000000

    J-Link>mem 0x30000000, 16
    30000010 = DD CC BB AA DD CC

    J-Link>mem 0x30000000, 24
    30000020 = FF FF FF FF

  • J-Link ARM 4.58a and Cirrus ep9307 - or SAM4L - SOLVED

    I realize that this is an old post, but it is exactly like the problem I was having. It also illustrates seggers poor response to a user needing help. I am also posting my solution in hopes that others may benefit.

    I am new to the ARM processor world (long time AVR programmer) and purchased the J-Link Ultra for a development project using the Atmel SAM4L processor.
    I contacted support on April 1st via phone and I was directed to send an email to the US support address. A week later (Apr 8th) I still hadn't received a response and called support again. They said they were at a trade show and asked that I forward my email to the Germany address. I did that and received a reply: "Sorry to hear that, but so far I am not sure if the J-Link ULTRA+
    can really be blamed here...". They asked if I had an eval board to try it on. As far as I know, the eval boards from Atmel all have embedded debuggers so I don't have any board other than my own design that I can plug the J-Link into. They asked me to do a couple tests to see if I could write to memory with a different speed. I sent the results and didn't get a reply. Three days later I sent a "still waiting for a reply". They then asked for a schematic which I sent. No reply since (a month so far). I realize there is a time difference from Pacific time to Germany, but it isn't three days!

    My point in the above is that the help responsiveness was slim, the questions basic and often stated it isn't our problem because we can program parts in Germany. I was at no point claiming that it was my design or an issue with the product that was sent to me, I just wanted to solve the problem. Since I had never seen the product work, I didn't know what a working J-Link looked like. Now I know that "Failed to write DP register 0x2" is what happens when the power is unplugged. The "unable to halt processor" could have been a similar type message, but Segger wasn't willing to help me wade through the messages to see what direction to look.

    A couple weeks of trying different things led me to the solution. I needed to add one more bypass cap to the VDDANA and GNDANA power pins (right on the chip). The four I had on the chip weren't enough or were too far (5 mm) from the chip.

    At this point everything is working great. I just wish I had a little more help before I got my training wheels off... :thumbup:

  • Hi Mike,

    Glad to hear the problem is solved.
    Normally, we do respond in a timely manner, this has been an exceptional case.
    But also: It is very hard to analyze what is wrong on your hardware (missing capacitors or too far away from device)
    by basically just knowing that J-Link is not able to control your device in some cases
    (basic communication with the device was working perfectly, everything just started to not work correctly when you tried different flash programming related things).
    Anyhow, good to hear that it is working now.


    I realize that this is an old post, but it is exactly like the problem I was having.

    Besides that
    - it shows different error messages,
    - is based on a totally different core
    - uses a difference architecture
    - and the guy from this post wrote that he had everything running and it suddenly stopped working after a firmware update (where in your case it wasn't working stable from the beginning)...
    Totally the same...

    Best regards
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.