Can't draw JPEG file

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  • Can't draw JPEG file


    It has HardFault error in Cortex M3 when drawing JPEG file with emWin.
    I used Bin2C to convert JPEG file to C file.


    void jpegTest(void)


    GUI_JPEG_GetInfo((unsigned char *)actestJpeg, sizeof(actestJpeg), &Info);
    GUI_GotoXY(0, 0);
    GUI_DispDec(Info.XSize, 3);
    GUI_GotoXY(0, 20);
    GUI_DispDec(Info.YSize, 3);
    GUI_JPEG_Draw(actestJpeg, sizeof(actestJpeg), 0, 0);

    The resolution of JPEG file is 176x220 and it can display 176 & 220 on screen.
    The MCU hangs up in HardFault_Handler when calling GUI_JPEG_Draw().
    I defined 64KB RAM for GUI, it should enough for 176x220 JPEG image.

    // Define the available number of bytes available for the GUI
    #define GUI_NUMBYTES 0x10000
    // Define the average block size
    #define GUI_BLOCKSIZE 0x80

    Best regards,