Spinbox Buttons

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  • Spinbox Buttons

    Hi there,

    I will be using a Spinbox widget without a touch or mouse interface, only using the up, down, left and right arrow keys of a keyboard.

    Is there anyway of getting the buttons on the Spinbox widget to react and change state to depressed when the up or down arrow key is pressed? :huh:

    Thanks and regards,
  • I bet you could emulate the behavior though by using WM_SendMessage. Set up a temporary message handler for the notifications sent by the spinbox buttons. In the debugger break on these and make a note of them. Then in a message handler for the keyboard, when the desired key comes in, translate the key message to one of the desired spinbox messages and call WM_SendMessage. It's worth a try.
  • Here's a short example. I found that calling CHECKBOX_SetState(hCbx,1) did not send a notification event like actually clicking on the box would. So I send a message to emulate clicking.

    GUI_HWIN hCbx = WM_GetDialogItem(hDlg,ID_CHECKBOX_0);
    pMsgS.hWin = hDlg;
    pMsgS.hWinSrc = hCbx;