Jlink and Eclipse

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  • Jlink and Eclipse

    I've setup Eclipse to use the Yagarto arm-elf-gdb.exe.
    The Jlnk Dgb server accepts the connexion but then there is a problem :
    • the Jlinkgdb server displays : WARNING: Unknown packet received: "qfThreadInfo"
      Debugger terminated connection !
    • And Eclipse : Execution is suspended because of error
    Is it linked to an error in Eclipse configuration or to the unknown packet received by jlink gdb server ?
    Is there a document with the procedure to setup eclipse to use the Jlink gdb server ?

    thanks and regards
  • Hello,

    I've got the last version, but maybe am I missing something :
    - in the Eclipse debug config window there is a message : "[Debugger]: The CPU is not supported by selected debugger.", I assumed it was not important but maybe it is.
    - in the main tab / C application file I've put the ".elf" file (I also tried the .axf)
    - in the debugger tab / debugger I've set : arm-elf-gdb.exe and the associated init file

    when running the debug mode, I can see the connexion to the JLink GDB server but after a few seconds in the console the following appears :
    - No symbol "new" in current context. Don't know how to run. Try "help target".

    what's wrong with my way of setting Eclipse Debug ?
