Threads Tagged with “AppWizard”

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Topic Replies Views Last Reply

Screen will not turn on when I add or delete text

1 10,761

SEGGER - Schoenen

AppWizard rotate keyboard object

4 10,382


Is there any possibility for give Object or Variables name array format like ID_TEXT[1] or ID_VAR_[0],ID_VAR_[1],etc

0 32,436

AppWizard Inside Single Screen creating object or windows have any limitation ???

3 9,789


Emwin TEXT_SetFont(hItem, acHRBCezanne_140_Normal_EXT_AA​4) not working

2 15,642


AppWizard code generation of MainTask doesn't work as-it-is

1 6,334


Conditionally initialize and set image object's bitmap using AppWizard

4 15,398


screen slide very slow with AppWizard V130_626d

2 8,292


screen showing broken in AppWizard 1.32_6.28 vs 1.08_6.14d

5 9,785


Using image with "Alpha channel, compressed" format in AppWizard

1 4,129

SEGGER - Florian

Use of Appwizard with NXP emWIn libraries for custom board

3 8,310

Mr. Kumar

Renesas RA6M3 EmWin AppWizard 90 degree screen rotation problem

3 8,172


Running the AppWizard example

2 7,341


Compatibility of AppWizard objects and emWin widgets

0 6,026

Language Independent Text Resource for AppWizard

2 14,537


AppWizard 1.26_6.24 Listview ListBox and Dropdown cannot display correctly

1 6,156

SEGGER - Florian

Appwizard export will change the encoding of my code

1 4,739

SEGGER - Florian

Serial comunication

0 1,965

Conflict with display bitmaps

0 1,584

Appwizard aplication running in envision kit RX65N

3 3,387
