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hi Open_Flashloader has a template projects, but it has an issue:…325f0756ae312a034d49eeb20 it can not include standard libraries ============== I compile project and it has a problem when I add my code into project…325f0756ae312a034d49eeb20 I modify Placement_release.xml below then compile ok and I can get .elf!…325f0756ae312a034d49eeb20 Source Code (8…
hi I want to use ambiq programming spi flash,I get .elf by SES.…325f0756ae312a034d49eeb20 but there is a problem: Source Code (16 lines)…325f0756ae312a034d49eeb20 JLinkDevices.xml: Source Code (4 lines)help,please!
Hi: I want same log to display at J-link RTT Viewer channel 0 with _SEGGER_RTT.aUP[0] and same log to display at J-link RTT Viewer channel 1 with _SEGGER_RTT.aUP[1]. I set C Source Code (2 lines) when I use the following code ,the log can display channel 0 and channel 1.but do not use _SEGGER_RTT.aUP[1] C Source Code (6 lines)but use SEGGER_RTT_Write(1,&ch,1); the channel 1 do not display anything Source Code (6 lines) so ,please help me ! Best regards, Bluetooth-BLE