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Hi Henrik, Quote from henrik_the: “"IP_UDP_OnRxIP4" can't find a socket ” I'm not familiar with your code, did you open a socket afterwards? The IP_IGMP_JoinGroup() only joins the IGMP group and does not take care of this, you'd still have to do this yourself. Besides using sockets, it would also be possible to call IP_UDP_Open() after joining the group ( e.g. like IP_UDP_Open(0L /* any foreign host */, 0, ECHO_PORT, _OnRx, NULL); ) and then handle received packets on that port in the _OnRx call…
Quote from cesar.rocha: “Hello, I am trying to make a speed test using UDP. I know there is a TCP example and it works fine, I tried to modify to open an UDP Socket and easily send data to a server (server using EchoTool). I commented receive part of the example and I send data out. I could open the socket and I receive my data out on the server side but somehow it is really slow. I checked with Wireshark and I reach only 200 packets per second (by TCP I reached 6000). On Debug Terminal I see al…