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Search results 1-20 of 28.

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Topic Replies Views Last Reply

gSoap Compatibility

1 17,102

SEGGER - Oliver

problem with multipage widget

5 7,347

SEGGER - Adrian

On Makemodal the message the GUI thread gets blocked

3 5,866

SEGGER - Adrian

Getting Hardfault in getdata function for xbf fonts

5 8,768

SEGGER - Adrian

Problem in displaying the Turkish Language Resource strings

1 4,731

SEGGER - Adrian

Browsing internet explorer

1 3,327

SEGGER - Adrian

Can we use GUI_SetFont api to print the Multi Lingual text by printer

1 3,854

SEGGER - Adrian

Adding extra line break in the given string

0 3,137

Default True Type font in emWin

2 6,541


BUTTON_SetTextOffset() is unable to set offset for the text in Button Widget.

5 7,964

SEGGER - Adrian

TExt_SetText was not able to set Arabic text

1 4,813

SEGGER - Adrian

doubt on GUI_LANG_LoadCSVEx

4 7,055


Regarding Multilayer & Backlight control of LCD

1 4,182

SEGGER - Adrian

Controlling backlight on touch

3 7,305

SEGGER - Adrian

setting multiple bmps on button

6 11,422

SEGGER - Adrian

REgarding updation of same window

1 4,524

SEGGER - Adrian

Clearing the bmps above butttons

1 4,792

SEGGER - Adrian

Drawing a partially filled circle

1 5,720

SEGGER - Adrian

Regarding handling asynchronous events in GUI

1 4,912

SEGGER - Adrian

how can we pass parmaters in callback function

1 4,915

SEGGER - Adrian