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  • I use a bunch of J-Links and an EDU Version too. None of them are not supported by W11. All running without any issues since a decate or longer. If you get an yellow Apostroph in windows, this can be an issue with your USB-Cable or USB port. The support software for the j-Link adapters are very reliable and they works rock solid. Most of the case the cabling is the source of issues. Check out if the USB current is in range. Is the USB socket in proper condition? Are u able to recharge your smart…

  • The J-Link BASE works for sure but i can recomment to use a faster model like J-Link Ultra+. This is not only much faster; you get more control of the entire debug process. is that required - no, isn't it, but the works is getting a lot of easier and faster. Segger offers a compare sheet of all available J-link Modells. Look here and compare the values: SEGGER J-Link debug probes BTW: I had moved from the basic to the J-Link Pro model to program und debug faster MCU's. Not just the upload if the…

  • Quote from Andy_AN2: “The whole thing is described here: But don`t use the GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_AA4_EXT constant for generating the font. It doesn´t work with standard windows fonts. Use GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_EXT instead. I found this with try & error. Good luck Andreas ” The link is emty, but thank's alot for that info about the GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_EXT for convered windows font sets. I never had used the windows fonts, but i plan to do this. There are many fr…

  • Quote from cilmagemlu: “Hello, I think this question goes beyond the scope of emWin like that. It is more about making appropriate drivers which will work with external flash (storing, reading data...) and making options in your linker files for placing data at corresponding sections within the flash. Since you use LPC you better should contact NXP forum. ” That way works - i had done this on a STM32F746 and Flash. The way is not different from protected bootloader. You have to build a structure…

  • This and some other reasons had decide me to left suse since suse3 to ubuntu LTS. I miss YAST, but i got a more compatible and faster system. A good point to learn using other and more common tools to setup a linux system.