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  • Hi Kayers, it appears to be the case that your reproducer does not reproduce the issue seen in your original post. In your original post I see multiple source lines, stated as source file name and line number, being mapped to the same disassembly line. At least in your screenshot I cannot see this. All I can see here is a single source file, without a line number information, being matched with an address in the disassembly, and a few symbols being oddly mapped into the disassembly. This appears…

  • Hi kayers, splendid. As often: The smaller and simpler, the better - so feel free to reduce to the max Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi Kayers, Ozone relies on the information found in the ELF file, which also contains information on the mapping of source code to addresses and vice versa. The ELF file contains such information in a highly compressed and rather complex format and it might be that you found a spot where Ozone does not properly interpret the information. Could you please share your project with us, so we can have a closer look? If you do not wish to publicly share your project in this forum, feel free to open a …

  • Hi AndersHedberg, if an RTOS plug-in is lacking some feature you can easily add this on your own. For details please refer to the Ozone user's manual, section 6.3. You may also look into the scripts provided for other RTOSes and if the desired information is made available there, you might take that code part as a template for adding the same information for your application. If you intend displaying information encoded in your firmware in a human readable form, the SmartView feature in Ozone mi…

  • Hi Aleksei, I need to admit I do not yet fully grasp what you intend doing. Therefore, at this point in time, I can provide just some general thoughts. It appears to me that you intend changing the execution address range of your application so it differs from the place that is specified in the ELF file. In that case you need to tell Ozone where to find code by invoking `Debug.ReadIntoInstCache()`. It appears to be the case that this is not yet done in your setup. For details please refer to sec…

  • Hi Simon884, good to see that you are now able to see your RTOS tasks. For the others it might be valuable if you'd describe what you did to make the tasks visible. Normally Ozone should do that out of the box, so I assume that you simply looked into the window at a time where no RTOS task was started yet (e.g. directly after reaching main() function) and the window filled with content once you looked into your firmware at a later execution stage. The run counters are a trace feature. You need t…

  • Hi AndyR, please accept my apologies for the late response. Busy times... Indeed, the support for emulated background memory access for high-speed applications such as the data sampling window in Ozone, is deprecated since quite a long time in the J-Link. Unfortunately the Ozone user's manual does not reflect that yet. So, in short: You cannot use data sampling if your device does not support BMA, emulated BMA does not suffice. Thank you for pointing that out to us, we will update the user's man…

  • Hi Ross, it appears to be the case that the timer is not set-up correctly when you are debugging with Ozone. A popular reason for that might be the presence of a boot loader which does not fully execute during debugging, thus leaving the system in a state where the hardware is only partially initialized. Does your setup contain a boot loader? If so, could you please check if the issue persists after following the instructions described in this WIKI article:…ion_in_…

  • Hi Sonycman, thank you for the flowers! In case you do not yet know: For getting a notification once a new Ozone version is released, please register here: Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi Vlad, we are able to reproduce the issue. A fix will be provided in a future Ozone release. Thanks for notifying us! Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi, thank you for providing the details. It appears to be the case that Ozone somehow swallows the upper 32 bits of the registers D16..D31. We will need to have a closer look for reproducing the issue locally. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi Namklak, please use the he context menu of the terminal window for deselect the respective options and close the terminal window. Further details can be found in the description of the terminal window in the Ozone user's manual. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi Vlad, thanks for letting us know. We are not aware of such an issue. Which SVD file are you using? Is it `Cortex-A7.svd` that is coming with Ozone? Are you able to reproduce the issue on an eval board? If so: which one? Could you please provide a J-Link log recorded during a debug session where the issue is reproduced? The register window should show, a in your screenshot, both some registers where the display is correct (i.e. D0..D15) as well as registers where the display is incorrect (i.e.…

  • Hi AndyR, on which device, exactly do you observe that behavior? We shall try to reproduce locally. Best regards -- AlexD

  • H Namklak, Ozone does not support sending such control characters to the target. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi AndyR, could you please provide a J-Link log and an Ozone log, both recorded during the same session where the issue is reproduced? How to create an Ozone log is described in chapter 8 of the Ozone user's manual. Creating a J-Link log file is described here: Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi AndyR, please refer to the Ozone user' manual, section 4.6.1, where the hardware requirements for the data sampling window are listed. There you can see that you can control background memory access emulation via the system variable VAR_ALLOW_BMA_EMULATION. Setting this variable correctly should resolve the issue you see. In general, if you see the data sampling window populating with data, you should be able to see that content in the data pane of the time line window. If the data sampling w…

  • Hi fraengers, thank you. We will try to reproduce and come back to you. This might take a while since all engineers are currently fully booked. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi AndyR, I'm sorry but I am not able to comprehend the point of your inquiry. Could you please describe more clearly what exactly you would like to know or understand? Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi Hi Charles_1, good to see you are up and running again. We will consider this thread as closed now. Thanks for sharing this with us and best regards -- AlexD