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To Segger support I believe I find BUG in your programmer In my processor Fujitsu MB9DF126 I have selected 8 sectors as data table: 0x01000000 - 0x0103FFFF Sector 0 256KB 0x01040000 - 0x0107FFFF Sector 1 256KB 0x01080000 - 0x010BFFFF Sector 2 256KB 0x010C0000 - 0x010FFFFF Sector 3 256KB 0x01100000 - 0x0113FFFF Sector 4 256KB 0x01140000 - 0x0117FFFF Sector 5 256KB 0x01180000 - 0x011BFFFF Sector 6 256KB 0x011C0000 - 0x011FFFFF Sector 7 256KB I have data only on : Sector 0-1-2 rest if all empty FF …
Hi Segger I purchased your device J-Link Pro due to you web claimed you can do read/write MB9DF126 I try 2 independent automotive PCB and I been able read out data, but write back is different story Some sector I can some sector can-not and TC Flash is unlocked Looks like your probe J-Link Pro is killing me ARM 64 - MB9DF126 due to when I try write few times JTAG is no more accessible afterward…0f2ebe5426b8f6766c03f7b98 and yesterday I been able retrieve all data f…
Good morning all I progress a little but hint from you guys or any experience in this chip MB9DF128 will be successful please I can manually read or write sectors 0-1-3-4-5-6-7 8-15 no problem as TCFlash data table 0x0100_0000 - 0x011F_FFFF 8 * 256 KB Gap 0x017E_0000 - 0x017F_FFFF 8 * 16 KB but no sector 2 I have always this error…0f2ebe5426b8f6766c03f7b98 0x01000000 - 0x0103FFFF Sector 0 256KB OK 0x01040000 - 0x0107FFFF Sector 1 256KB OK 0x01080000 - 0x010BFFFF Se…
Good morning to all and thank you for possibility to ask question here. First of all, I am total beginner and I have no knowledge or ARM or Segger J-Link now about a problem: I have Automotive PCB which contains MB9DF126 as main Logic board after some research I find out that only SEGGER J-Link programmer is able read this device MB9DF126 for this reason I purchased one. Even I had no experience with... I did back-engineering of JTAG pins and created as picture below. forum.segger…