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  • Hello, The problem has been resolved after I updated the J-Flash utility version. We were previously using J-Flash v7.88; after updating to v8.10k (latest), during project creation, we're able to select "Supervisory Flash" bank and able to seamlessly program it directly from J-Flash.

  • Hello, I'm trying to program Infineon CYT2B73CAD_M0 MCU (TRAVEO-II) with J-Link (SWD) using the J-Flash GUI, however I'm met with an error “Selected data does not fit into selected flash sectors” (see attached image). I believe it could be because of the lack of a "SFlash" region/bank (range: 0x1700_0000 to 0x1700_7FFF) (see attached image as it only shows Code flash and Work flash banks but nothing beyond). Additional things I attempted: 1) Manually added a flash bank from the GUI; I get the er…