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  • SLIDER - changing appearance

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Thank you for the elegant solution. Works pefectly.

  • SLIDER - changing appearance

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Hello, I am using the SLIDER widget for moving a graphical cursor line in a diagram (see picture). The bar and the scale are made invisible. The yellow thumb I made by skinning. Now I would like to add a second slider with a different color. How can I achieve this? I found API commands for the width but not for the color. Can I switch between two skinnings? Best regards Jan

  • GRAPH: Random pixels at borders

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Hello, in a GRAPH widget I want to display a scale in the border area. I have added 10 pixels border on the right and on the bottom side. In these border areas frequently appear random pixels. Did I miss something in my initialization? Regards Jan…669f9ec01ba6c34e1573cab21 Source Code (20 lines)

  • Hello, as described in my last post I want to display a spectrogram window which gets filled row by row from the bottom and shifted out on the top. This works with below code by a window which is invalidated regularly for redrawing and a PAINT callback which shifts the window content 1 row up and adds a new row. Now I want to save the screen content in a file using GUI_BMP_SerializeExBpp(). This produces strange results as shown in the two pictures below. In the first picture the full spectrogra…

  • For those looking for a solution: I used a window with callback for PAINT. The window is invalidated regularly for redrawing. C Source Code (9 lines)In the callback the window content is shifted 1 pixel up by GUI_CopyRect() and a new spectrogram line is added at the bottom. C Source Code (20 lines)

  • Hello, I would like to ask you for ideas. My task is drawing a spectrogram in a window. The attached picture shows an example spectrogram. Such spectrograms are used for visualizing FFT spectra over time. It has a vertical time axis and a horizontal frequency axis. The amplitudes of the spectra are color-coded. Each horizontal dot line corresponds to one FFT. From the bottom of the window newly calculated spectra are shifted in while the oldest spectra on top are shifted out. I already have a so…

  • TREEVIEW unselect

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Hello Florian, my question was not clear enough. I wanted to have an expanded TREEVIEW with no item marked, something like TREEVIEW_SetSel with zero as argument. Regards Jan

  • TREEVIEW unselect

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Hello, is there a way to open a TREEVIEW without selected item? Regards Jan

  • Hi Florian, as I mentioned before the project ran without such problems for years. This year STM32CubeIDE switched to GCC 10. This was the latest change which might have caused the issue. Regards Jan

  • Hello Florian, yes its GCC based. I was asking about "##" because this is the only place in my project where it occurs. There is not much of an error shown. See attached screenshot with the faulty lines and the error messages. Regards Jan

  • Thank you for your answer. I am using STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0. Regards Jan

  • Are the two '#' characters in GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream##ID(GUI_BITMAP * pBMP, GUI_LOGPALETTE * pPAL, const void * p) a possible issue for the compiler? Jan

  • Hi Florian, I also don't believe that changing some color values caused the issue. The changes probably just triggered the recompilation of GUI.h. I replaced the file with the original unchanged GUI.h. Even then I get the same problem. It only runs when I uncomment all lines with DECLARE_CREATE_FROM_STREAM. Regards Jan

  • Dear Segger Team, I have edited some color definitions in GUI.h. After recompilation I am now getting errors in an unexpected location. The 24 lines under #define DECLARE_CREATE_FROM_STREAM(ID) int GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream##ID(GUI_BITMAP * pBMP, GUI_LOGPALETTE * pPAL, const void * p); are replaced by const void which produces a declaration error. If I uncomment this whole section the compiliation runs normally. I am not sure, however, what caused this problem after many years without it. I am …

  • MULTIEDIT with widget on top

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Thanks, now it works. Regards Jan

  • MULTIEDIT with widget on top

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Thank you, Florian. I had forgotten WM_AttachWindowAt() to make the button a child of MULTIEDIT. Now it stays on top when I move the slider. But it still doesn't work as intended. When I touch the button I receive the notification from the MULTIEDIT in the background. The notification of the button does not respond. When I disable the MULTIEDIT there are no notifications from the text area but the button still doesn't work. Is the button also disabled then because it is a child window? What am I…

  • MULTIEDIT with widget on top

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Hi, I have MULTIEDIT window with a close button. The button works fine unless I move the scrollbar - then it disappears. Is there a simple way to keep the button visible on top? Best regards Jan

  • Hi, I would like to detect if a DROPDOWN is in expanded state to prevent other menus from being opened. The manual says that DROPDOWN_GetListbox() returns the handle of the attached LISTBOX widget in expanded state and 0 if DROPDOWN is in collapsed state. If I use it as in below example it always returns zero, also in expanded state. Source Code (2 lines)What could be wrong? Regards Jan

  • Overlapping Windows

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Thank you, Alex. Using WM_AttachWindow() is a smart way to solve the problem. In the meantime I also found a less elegant solution. I replaced the dropdown in the menu bar by a text item which at a click opens a new window with the dropdown on top of the other windows. It is closed again after clicking a dropdown entry. The visual result is also the desired one. Jan

  • Overlapping Windows

    JanBurg - - emWin related


    Hello, in my projectI have a menu bar which appears in different windows. The attached screenshot shows an example. The red framed section is the menu bar. Since I don't want to create all the menu controls in each window again I tried to put the menu bar into a separate dialog box sitting beside the main window. This works, but with the exception of the DROPDOWN widget. The dropdown would extend into the main window. So the menu window would have to overlap the main window temporarily. I don't …