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  • I found some clues about this issue. (1) When I use __attribute__((section(".noncacheable"))) to assign some variables, the watch function is valid and can be updated when the mcu is running. exp: __attribute__((section(".noncacheable"))) int testval=0; (2) If __attribute__((section(".noncacheable"))) is not used, the watch function is only available when the mcu is stopped. (3) When I disable the D-cache in MCU, the watch function can still be used when the mcu is running even without using __a…

  • when I am using SES8.18+Jlink to debug a RISC-V MCU(HPM6284). I added some global variables to the watch window and set the refresh rate to twice a second. In fact, the variables are refreshed only when the target stopped. When the target on running, the variables in the watch window are keep in 0. Is there something I need to set? Please gave me some help, thanks!!……4a6600606768ec5f1cbd48e12