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Hi Bill, Maybe you should select SWD as target interface. As far as I can see the Arduino Due supports SWD only. Best regards, Souhail
Hi mdv, This is not known to us. Could you please answer the following question in order to help you: Are you using your J-Trace natively on the PC or is it connected via VM. Do you use a USB3 or USB2 cable? In case you have only tried only one type of a cable: Did you try to use the other type of cable? Could you please provide a screen of the device manager, where the view is set to "Device by connection" and the subtree is collapsed down to the J-Trace. Do you use a USB Hub in between? If yes…
USB_X_Log crash
PostHi Ran, Thank you for the request. Since you have a valid SUA, we would like to invite you to send your request to our customer's support ticket system by using the following link: Thank you, Souhail
Hi Eggman, Please have a look at the ARM ABI (Application Binary Interface) and ARM PCS (Procedure Call Standard) Any standard ARM compiler is using the above mentioned standard. Regards, Souhail
Hi David, Did you copy the usb.inf in the %systemroot%\inf (eg. C:\Windows\inf) folder or just in %systemroot% folder? If not, please ensure that you have copied it in the inf folder of the windows directory. After that disconnect and re-connect the J-Link. The J-Link should then enumerate properly. As we have stated in the previous thread, this is something that has to do with Windows or any other software. As this problem also occurs when no J-Link has ever been used on that computer. Best reg…
Hi, It seems that the usb.inf is missing in your %systemroot%\inf folder. The J-Link on the nRF52 Preview DK is a composite device containing multiple interfaces. In order to work with it on Windows, Windows loads a composite Device driver. The information for this driver are in the usb.inf. Once the composite device driver is installed all other interfaces of the J-Link will be installed automatically. In order to fix this: - Please copy the usb.inf from the following location: %systemroot%\Sys…
Hi bram, it seems that the commands to the J-Link is somehow rejected. What I can see is, that that any USB transactions to the normal pipes of the J-Link fail with errno -2 which means file not found. Would it be possible to perform a detailed lsusb dump of you J-Link? This can be done doing the following: - Open a console and type[quote]lsusb[/quote] - You should get a output similar to the below one: Source Code (6 lines) - With that output check which bus no. and device no. your J-Link has -…
Dear Satyajit, you are using the wrong sample. The correct one to use is OS_USBH_MSD.c. Additionally you may need to change your current FS_Config_*.c config file with FS_USBH_MSDConfig.c. With these changes emUSB Host + emFile should work fine. Some background info: All sample files that begin with USB_* are emUSB Device samples. All files with the Prefix OS_USBH_ are intended to be used emUSB Host. The reason why this samples are called OS_USBH_* is that for emUSB Host an RTOS (embOS) is neede…
Karsten, you are compiling your files with interworking switch (-mthumb-interworking) enabled, whereas the embOS libraries are not using interworking. Temporarily you can remove interworking switch in your Makefile and rebuilt your ELF-file. We will add additional embOS libraries for different modes in the future. Regards, Souhail
Klaus, Sounds like a speed problem. As the AT91SO100 is an ARM7-TDMI-S, you can use adaptive speed. Could you please do the following: - Start J-Link commander and type in: Source Code (2 lines) If this works, change your gdbinit file to use adaptive speed by changing or adding the following line: Source Code (1 line) Let me know if this solves your problem. Souhail
Hello, The upcoming J-Link Commander version includes the terminal function. Attached a picture which shows this feature. We have included a DCC handler in our TCP/IP stack, showing debug information .…8658126f428e86f44acc49079 DCC routines for IAR and GNU ARM tool suite will be included in the J-Link software package. You can download the latest BETA version of the software from the J-Link download page. You just need to implement your debug I/O routines using the…
Hi Pete, you can download the latest version of embOS GNU ARM from our website. Use this link to download the trial version. Available BSPs: - Atmel's AT91SAM7A3 eval board - Atmel's AT91SAM7S eval boards (SAM7S64/SAM7S256) - Atmel's AT91SAM7SE eval board - Atmel's AT91SAM7A3 eval board - NXP LPC2106 IAR StarterKit eval board - NXP LPC2148 IAR Starterkit eval board - ST STR912 IAR Starterkit eval board So, download the package and try it. Further instructions can be found in the ReadMe file in e…
Hi Rob, I think you have programmed your STR912 with an application that stops the clock, therefore no JTAG-communication with the core. Even when you reset the core, the code that disables the clock will stop the core again. With the J-Link software, we deliver an extra tool for the ST STR91x that helps in such cases. To recover the chip, please follow these steps: - Install the latest version from our website. (Segger J-Link download link) - Go to JLinkARM install folder (%ProgramFiles%\SEGGER…