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  • The VNC server has been removed from the latest versions of emWin of NXP libraries ? I tried to use it but the compiler shows error messages as if the functions of VNC server do not exist. I am using Keil v5.14 and emWin for Cortex-M3 v5.30 or v5.28b. [img][/img]

  • emFile with NOR Flash Crash

    leonarff - - emFile related


    I'm using emFILE v3.28 library for evaluating for EA1788 evaluation board with Keil IDE. I tried to run the physical layer FS_NOR_PHY_CFI_1x16 and could not. The flash is connected as follows:…258a749334b13f8f383ee3ede So I had to implement my own: C Source Code (203 lines) When I write a file with the size of the drive it is saved normally. But if I delete the file and write again, there is a Hardware Fault. This hardware fault is caused by pLen parameter of GetSe…

  • emFile and NOR Flash problem

    leonarff - - emFile related


    Stefan, Thank you for your help. Since I am evaluating emFile I think that there is no v4.0 compilation for Keil and LPC1788. I used FS_NOR_PHY_CFI_1x16 physical layer because my NOR is parallel and no SPI. I solved the problem by re-writing the physical layer. Thank you again for your help. Best regards. Leonardo.

  • emFile and NOR Flash problem

    leonarff - - emFile related


    I am trying to use emFile with SST39VF3201B microchip NOR flash. The code is: void FS_X_AddDevices(void) { FS_AssignMemory(&_aMemBlock[0], sizeof(_aMemBlock)); // Add driver FS_AddDevice(&FS_NOR_Driver); // Set physical type, single CFI compliant NOR flash chips with 16 bit interface FS_NOR_SetPhyType(0, &FS_NOR_PHY_CFI_1x16); // Configure a single NOR flash interface (4 Mbytes) FS_NOR_Configure(0, NOR_FLASH_BASE, NOR_FLASH_BASE, 0x00400000); } void MainTask(void) { FS_NOR_DISK_INFO DiskInfo; NO…

  • Help Create a Button

    leonarff - - emNet related


    Hello Oliver, Thank you for your help. I get the pressed button using the _callback_DefaultHandler of the cgi table ( WEBS_CGI ). Interestingly, the list is not only used for CGI coding "< ! - # Exec cgi = " anything " ->". Best regards, Leonardo F. Farah

  • Help Create a Button

    leonarff - - emNet related


    Could anyone help me ?How can I create a web page with button that instructs server to turn on ou turn off something ? The examples with forms works but I don´t get to identify that a simple button was pressed and what button. Thanks a lot. Leonardo F. Farah