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  • Additional info: We use emWin 6.32

  • Hello to all, I have the task to play videos on a STM32F7xx cpu and a SSD1963 display controller, attached with 16bit. In order to optimize all components in charge, we implemented the hardware jpeg codec of cpu. It does a good job, decoding of a 320*240 jpeg takes 7ms including software converter MCU to RGB565. When it comes to drawing the bitmap, we use GUI_DrawBitmap() and prepare the GUI_Bitmap structure first with the raw RGB data. We use this driver setting: GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc(pDevic…

  • Hello to all, We have a STM32F7xx and a SSD1963 graphics controller with a 16bit parallel interface. On our display with 800*480 we would like to show at least 320*240 movies. If we do that with EMF videos we can not reach a frame rate of 25fps. We hope that Bitmap-EMF files can do the job, because jpeg decoding of the frames would not be necessary then. But how to generate the Bitmap-EMF files? In the manual it says: "Bitmap-based emWin movie files (EMF) have been added to emWin as an alternati…

  • I finally found the solution: SCROLLER_SetSize(hScroller,20); and the scroller is displayed. I just don´t know why this helps. Found it with hours of try & error... Andreas

  • The coordinates of pInfo Rectangle are: pInfo->x0 84 pInfo->y0 -12 (0xFFFFFFF4) pInfo->x1 404 pInfo->y1 4 These numbers do not change if I change the dimensions of the parent Window (ListView). So they are not related to the parent at all, even though the scroller should be attached to the right edge... If these numbers are supposed to be positive only that would be an explanation why the rectangle can not be drawn...

  • Hello, I found a similar example: which is identical, but has an OwnerDraw routine for the scroller. Thus I wanted to find out with a breakpoint in the routine why the scroller is not drawn. The ownerdraw function is called twice. first: command: 0x05 WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND Itemindex: 0x01 SCROLLER_CI_INACTIVE second: command: 0x01 WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW Itemindex: 0x01 SCROLLER_CI_INACTIVE I added these functions: SCROLLER_SetBkColor(hScroller,SCROLLER_CI…

  • Hello amirsh, I had the same problem and found this solution: You have to convert the fonts with the fontconverter to the xbf format. This format is especially made to have the fonts stored in slow external memories like sd card or spi flash. There is something like a lookahead table stored in the file, similar as an index in a database. Thus the access to the font works very efficient. The whole thing is described here: But don`t use the GUI_XBF_TYPE…

  • Hello to all, I need to scroll a Listview by swiping. I use emWin 6.32. So I tried this example: SCROLLER_Usage_DefaultWidgets.c Because my resolution is 800*480 I extended the dummy text for the Listview, so defintely not all the lines fit on the screen. Thus a scrollbar IS NECESSARY. Swiping directly on the listview workes fine, but the attached Scroller is not displayed. The example code is 1:1 copied! In order to find the reason I modifi…

  • Dear Sirs, we use emWin 6.32.3 from KEIL. For memory management purposes we need to configure our external memory on our STM32F767 cpu to be of strongly ordered type. Doing this, 32bit accesses have to be on 32bit boundaries, 16bit accesses on 16bit boundaries and so on. However when emWin produces the first GUI item (a ListBox in our case), there is a HardFault. We traced into emWin Library in Disassembler Window and found out the following: With ListBox_Create there is also a call: Header_Crea…

  • Hello Florian, Thank you very much for this hint! I did a test and it worked very well. However there is one point left: For compatibility reasons we want to be able to link to older versions of emWin without change of our source code. The GUI_MAKE_COLOR() automatically checks GUI_USE_ARGB Flag an sets the colors correct. So we can change the library no problem. But in terms of dta files there is no automatic, this is done external. So in order to have the software working with either library I …

  • Hello Florian, unfortunately another problem occured due to GUI_USE_ARGB==1. With color constants GUI_MAKE_COLOR() macro swapps the colors accordingly, so all is fine. But we also have small icons for Buttons stored in *.dta files. They are loaded with BUTTON_SetStreamedBitmap() function. As there is no similar conversion like GUI_MAKE_COLOR macro the colors are wrong in the button. I tried to create first the bitmap with GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream() and thereafter apply it to the button with BU…

  • Hello Florian, Thank you so much indeed!! GUI_MAKE_COLOR did the trick! The software is more then ten years old, the color definitions were still without GUI_MAKE_COLOR... Thanks again for helping me Andreas

  • Hello, again a step further: we changed in LcdConf.c: #define COLOR_CONVERSION GUICC_M565 to: #define COLOR_CONVERSION GUICC_565 Colors in the main application are correct now. But unfortunateley we also use GUI_BMP_Serialize() for doing a screen shot. The bitmap created by this still shows the colors wrong. Somehow the GUI_BMP_Serialize() doesn´t take any notice from the setting of COLOR_CONVERSION in LcdConf.c? We would be happy for a workaround, so we can use the newer library best regards An…

  • Hello, meanwhile I found a possible reason: The new KEIL Library we are using was compiled with GUI_USE_ARGB = 1. The previous library was built with GUI_USE_ARGB = 0. I just don´t know why this was changed... best regards Andreas

  • Dear Sirs, In order to have a newer version we updated from emWin 6.30 to emWin 6.32 Thereafter the colors on our TFT where wrong. The blue changed to kind of brown. (see attached photos) WE DID NOT CHANGE A SINGLE LINE OF CODE! Just the replacement of emWin 6.30 to emWin 6.32 caused the fault. Here is the the Display driver we use: GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc(pDevice, &PortAPI, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66720, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C1B16); If we turn off the cache it does not help. What can we do to use new…

  • Hello Sven, your comments are of great help thank you. Only a few points are left. You wrote: "Not sure why the hook function is not being called. Did you already replaced the multibuffering function by the cache functions?" Yes, at that time I did not replace the multibuffering function by the cache locking functions yet. I can see that the hook function works only down to the video frames, if some sort of memory buffering is involved, either multibuffering or cache. Is that correct? You wrote:…

  • Hello Sven, I solved my last issue regarding the animation of "emWin", "now", "supports", "!!!Movies!!!" a little. There is a memory device that holds the text (hMemText) and another one (hMemWork) which is always the destination for rotation instructions. The display works fine, if I always clean the working memory device (hMemWork) before it is repeatedly used in the loops: GUI_MEMDEV_Select(hMemWork); GUI_Clear(); GUI_MEMDEV_Select(0); Because this demo runs perfect on other hardware with GUI…

  • Hello Sven, Thank you for your reply indeed, I made some progress especially with LCD_ControlCache(LCD_CC_LOCK). But please let me explain first: I did some testing of the GUI_SetRefreshHook() function yesterday already, just to check how often it is called while the picture is drawn. However I encountered some strange behaviour... I am using the original SEGGER video demo file: MOVIE_ShowFeatures.c out of emwin/sample/tutorials. There are four videos, which are shown in this demo: 1) _acExplosi…

  • Hello, I just found the GUI_SetRefreshHook() function in the manual and will give it a try... Thanks Andy

  • Hello to all, I use emwin 6.10 together with a SSD1963 coupled via 16Bit interface. I use cached driver: GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc(pDevice, &PortAPI, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66720, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C1B16); The display workes fine as soon as it comes to videos. I tested the demo MOVIE_ShowFeatures.c out of emwin/sample/tutorials. The "explosion" scene shows tearing effects. I know the GUIDRV_FlexColor does not support multibuffering. But I think there must a possibilty to synchronize the output of em…