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  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Indeed the definition for I was removed. I will check with the team. Most likely it will be reintroduced with a future update. EDIT: I talked to the team. It will be reintroduced with the next Embedded Studio update. To get notified automatically when it is available you can subscribe here: Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. emSSL works with any standard sockets, so the proposed setup would work. For more information feel free to contact our support team as described in my signature. Best regards, Nino

  • [SOLVED] PowerPC

    SEGGER - Nino - - Ozone related


    Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Currently there are no plans to add PowerPC support in Ozone. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, correct dark theme is not available yet. It is still on our wish list but simply not with a high priority. Quote from AndyR: “i alwasy run with the windows Dark mode as well so you aren't even honouring the same thing as you do with Linux / OsX still ” We would if the OS's would be remotely comparable, unfortunately they are not. Quote from fraengers: “Totally agree with that. Better syntax highlighting would also be nice. Alternatively, the integration of Ozone features in Embedded Studi…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Maximum data sampling frequency depends on the debug probe you are using. Which one are you using? What is its serial number? What is the expressions you are sampling? Could you provide a screenshot of your setup? Best regards, Nino

  • Hi, Thank you for your inquiry. That is correct. For advanced performance analysis features Ozone needs to be used. In Embedded Studio the focus is more on the toolchain and project management. The debugger only supports some basic performance analysis features. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, OK thank you for clarifying. Regarding RTOS, maybe our RTOS embOS would be of interest for you. It runs on any MCU and is a perfect fit to Embedded Studio: It also comes with hundreds of BSP example projects for all kinds of boards and architectures that work out of the box. So you can get started with your application directly without having to worry how to start an RTOS. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Which linker are you using in your project? SEGGER Linker or gnu linker? Generally you should be able to create a section for each code part and place the application accordingly. Now when you compile with Embedded Studio you can display the different memory usage of the different symbols and sections via View->Memory Usage. There you will find the memory regions defined for your device. If you now expand one of them you will find all symbols and sections that …

  • Hello, Are you sure that the same code worked on another Cortex-M0+? Because the Syntax you are using is not supported for Cortex-M0+ which is Arm architecture Arm v6M. So this could have never have worked with a Arm V6M target. This code will only work on Arm v7M and later, such as Cortex-M4 or M7. For more information we recommend to check out the Arm v6M architecture manual. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Unfortunately the issue is not reproducible for us. Could you attach an example project that shows the describe behaviour? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Great to hear that you are up and running again. Actually the process is documented, but in the J-Link Wiki as device specifics do not have to do anything with Ozone. The Ozone articles will only describe how to get a Ozone debug session running. Having hardware set up correctly is another story and user responsibility. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Clemens, Thank you for your inquiry. The reported behaviour was reproducible. We will investigate further and come back to you once we have more information. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Thumb is not the issue here, it is not like you could use something else on Cortex-M What most likely happened that the update of the toolchain brought some stricter rules on how assembly code may be aligned and where the older assembler might have marked such files just with a warning or ignored it. The new version apparently is more strict (which is usually good as it points out flaws in old code bases which sometimes only worked accidentally). Either way, we…

  • Hello, great to hear that you are up and running again. This thread will be closed now. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. With the NPX IMX series it is required to let the ROM bootloader run for the chip to function. So it is unfortunately a bit more complex than just loading up an elf file. Here is what is required:…Bootloader#ROM_bootloader With Keil compiler elf files the following might be needed as well: Does your setup work after applying the setup changes? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. In short, because the majority of our customers prefer it that way. To get notified when a new version releases you can subscribe here:,7 We will put on our wish list to maybe have a opt in variant in future, but no promises. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Sounds like code optimization is off. Could you check if any optimization level is active? For debugging we recommend level 0. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Typically if connect under reset is required is decided on connect automatically by our software. What is your use case here? What target device are you using exactly? Please note that this is our community forum. If you qualify for support and need support, we recommend to use our support channel as explained in my signature. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Could you provide the S/N of your J-Link for reference? If the device is officially supported by J-Link already, it should be sufficient to simply select Core1 in the device selection dialogue. If it is not supported and you are adding support yourself, you need to make sure that Core1 is initialized correctly to be able to connect to it. Typically it is required that Core0 is already running and depending on the device Core0 might need to start Core1. This can…

  • Hello, Quote from AndyR: “how do I know what boards you have ? ” This should not matter. This is a pure software issue and should be target independent, correct? So if you could provide us with an reproduction project that could run on any Arm Cortex-M eval board that would be helpful. We have over 3500 evalboards in house so there is a good chance that we already have it. If not we will get it. Quote from AndyR: “this elf file is for a samd20J17 ” Ok good. We have e.g. the SAM D20 Xplained Pro …