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PostHi, The problem is that you can not simply draw outside of a WM_PAINT message. You call the calibrate function from WM_NOTIFY_PARENT. Try this: C Source Code (140 lines)Regards, Sven
Hi, Quote from Andrzej: “What is the difference between _cbButton and cbButton? ” _cbButtonTrans() is a callback function gets called by emWin if something happens related to the button this callback is set to. This allows you to react different events like touch, or WM_PAINT. _ButtonSkin() is callback dedicated for drawing. This gets called by the default callback function of a button and allows you to draw the single parts of a button like background and text. Quote from Andrzej: “I want to ro…
PostHi, Below is a very basic example which shows how to create and delete a window on button press (or in this case on button release). C Source Code (117 lines)Regards, Sven
Hi, you could overwrite the button callback function or set a custom skinning function. When it comes to drawing the button text you can display the string rotated with the function GUI_DispStringInRectEx(). C Source Code (119 lines) It is not possible to simply rotate the default button. The background wouldn't get rotated. Regards, Sven
Hi, You are using a a driver version without cache, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C0B8. Without a cache the GUIDRV_FlexColor driver allocates a buffer to hold one line. Therefore it can only send one line at once. You are using a memory device but it also gets drawn line by line by the driver, just as a bitmap would be. Instead of using a memory device you could use a cached version of the driver, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C1B8. Now instead of using the memory device you can lock and unlock the cache. This way …
HI, Of course, _cbCallback and _cbDialog are just names and you can choose them freely. But, the callback set for a dialog receives a WM_INIT_DIALOG message after all its dialog elements are created. This gives you the chance to configure the different elements. A callback function set for a single window gets a WM_CREATE message giving you the chance of reacting to it and creating further child windows or set up some data. You can react to WM_CREATE only if the pointer to the callback function …
Hi, You have to read out the touch data from the touch controller and pass the read touch coordinates to emWin. Typically we do this in a dedicated task polling the touch data every 25ms. The interface and communication to the touch controller is user defined and not part of emWin. Attached is a touch configuration we use on a STM32F746 Discovery. You might use it as a reference. Regards, Sven
Hi, You could use our tool Bin2C.exe to convert a binary file into a c-array. This array can be compiled along with the other files in your project. For large fonts I recommend to xbf fonts. xbf fonts use some sort of a look up table to find a character in a font. This requires only two files accesses. With sif fonts emWin will search the complete font to find a character. Especially with large fonts it might take a while to find a character if the character is at the end of the font. The Bin2C …
Hi, Do you get out of GUI_Delay()? I could imagine that the timing related functions are not correctly implemented and GUI_Delay() waits forever. Search for GUI_X_Delay() and GUI_X_GetTime(). GUI_X_GetTime() has to return a 1ms tick, either provided by an OS or a HW timer with a period of 1ms. GUI_X_Delay() waits for the given amount of time either by calling an RTOS-delay-function or waiting vor a variable incremented by the 1ms timer. Regards, Sven
Looking for a LCDConf.c example for setting up a ili9488 18bbp display with GUIDRV_FlexColor driver
PostHi, the GUIDRV_FlexColor driver for the ILI9488 does not support an 18 bit interface. It supports only 8 and 16 bit interfaces. Regards, Sven
Hi, It's hard to say what is going wrong. You have to set some function to write data to LCD controller. Do you get into them? Within GUI_Init() emWin fills the LCD with black, this would mean you get to a specific point without hardfault. You are using a non cache version of the driver, did you set read functions? This is required when using a driver without cache. How much memory did you spend emWin? Try to increase the memory passed to GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory(). Do you have enough stack? Regar…
Hi, Attached is a short example. The reason on side is most likely related to the GIF. Try to open the GIF with GIMP (or any other image editor tool) and un-optimize the GIF. Most GIFs are saved optimzed which means they store only the difference to the previous image. Unfortunately, this results in a strange output when only a sub image gets drawn. Regards, Sven