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  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. The recommended way to place variables in Flash with SEGGER Linker is explained here: Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Kai, Thank you for your inquiry. It depends a bit on how your project was setup as. If you are using a CPU Package for project setup switching one project "one the fly" to another target device is a bit easier as some settings as architecture etc. will change dependent on the selected target processor. If you are using the generic Cortex-M template you have to set all settings yourself. However in either case you will have to at least fix up the memory map file and most likely other target…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. You can set additional binary or hex files to be loaded via project option Debug > Loader > Additional Load File[0] Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Such an issue is not known to us. It seems though that ES is shipping with older variants of the RTOS awareness scripts. Could you try to load the Ozone RTOS awareness script in ES? Does it work better now? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Such an issue is not known to us. Which Embedded Studio version are you using exactly? The library that is being build is the C standard library. With ES V7 the runtime library is build on demand to keep the installation and download as small as possible. So this is most likely what you are seeing here. As a sanity check, could you try one of the ES V6 versions in comparison, do you see the same issue there? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Are you using the GNU Linker or SEGGER Linker? The SEGGER Linker uses different files and formats. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, memcopy_fast is not available with the SEGGER Runtime Library. The SEGGER Runtime Library provides the standard C API only. However, it is optimized for size and performance. In the project options you can select whether to use the small or fast implementation (or an implementation balanced between both). The balanced and fast variant will use the fastest implementation of memcpy. You can find the setting under Code > Library > Library Optimization Best re…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Are you maybe opening projects with the V4 version that you do not have a valid license for? Please also note that V7 projects may not necessarily work with V4 versions and won't open properly. A similar issue is explained here: Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. What do you mean with map flash to SystemView? If you are asking on how to place the SystemView symbols at specific addresses you have to read the documentation about the toolchain you are using, specifically the linker manual. This has nothing to do with SystemView itself. You have to make sure your application is placed correctly. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. You can find a SystemView no OS guide in our Wiki: Did you make sure to follow all steps that are explained? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. The screenshots do not show SystemView running. Are you sure you are in the right subforum? ST-Link is also not compatible to SystemView, so not sure why you compare these. Could you clarify what you are doing and what is working and what not? From your OP this is not clear. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Please note that discussion J-Link API in public is a license violation. If you have a J-Link SDK in valid support period please contact us via our official support channel as explained in my signature. This thread will be closed now. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. It is possible that older Embedded Studio versions the autocomplete feature would not always prioritize the expected symbols. But with the next Embedded Studio major release V8 we are adding a new language server so you will get the same autocompelete quality that you are used from e.g. VS Code. To get notified when the new version launches you can subscribe here: Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Quote from Eqqman: “As I understand it, I cannot tell SES to directly execute the PY file. ” That is not correct. You can call the same Python CL call that you do in your bat file directly in post build steps. Quote from Eqqman: “The problem is that SES freezes up when doing this post-build step. No terminal window pops up for either the BAT file or the PY file and I can't find any evidence that either file actually executed. ” Looking at your batch script sour…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Yes it is supported if you set the toolchain to the Andes toolchain. You can do so by either creating a new project for an Andes device, or if you are using a different target device you can go to project options and set Code > Build > Toolchain Variant> Andes Now you should get a new option group where you can enable DSP support under Code > Andes > DSP Extension > Yes. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Such an issue is not known to us. Could you try the latest Embedded Studio version, do you see the same issue there? If yes, could you provide an example project for reproduction? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. The "low on memory" error from J-Link usually happens if a debug session is not closed gracefully and target connection is simply dropped during debugging. This might be due to low power modes, the target application itself or some incorrect debug setting. How exactly are you stopping the debug session usually? Do you lose target connection during debugging sometimes? Are you using the Nordic soft device? Did you make sure to use Monitor Mode Debugging, as the …

  • Hi Gavin, Please note that bumping threads without added information is against forum rules. Please do not do it again, otherwise your account will be banned. This will be the only warning. Please also note that this is not a support forum but a community forum. There is no guarantee that you will receive an answer. For more information see my signature. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Adam, Great to hear that you are up and running again. This thread will be considered as closed now. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Indeed the option went missing between versions. It should be reintroduced with the next Embedded Studio update. To get a notification when it is available you can subscribe here: Out of curiosity, could you elaborate your usecase? I assume you are doing some integrity checks in your firmware? If that is the case we recommend to work with an image fill value instead of doing a chip erase each time as this will be…