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  • Hello, try the code below: C Source Code (73 lines) Regards, Sven

  • Multiple Buffer

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Multibuffering is not available for this kind of driver. But you can use a chached version of your driver. Simply call GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc() with e.g. GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C1B16 as pfMode. Like: C Source Code (1 line) GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C0B16 - ...C0.. is without cache and GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C1B16 - ...C1.. is with cahce Any drawing will be done into the cache before sending it to the LCD. The Window Manager does this automatically. If you don't use the Window Manager you have to call …

  • Hello Timmy, I'm afraid, but I think this won't be possible with the LISTBOX widget since it has no function to set the scroll position manually. Maybe you can achieve something similar with the LISTWHEEL widget. Take a look into the sample attached. I have created a LISTWHEEL widget which is able to scroll up and down vie the arrow keys. The selected item will stay centered. On space bar press you can select an item. I hope this helps. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, You can send user defined messages to a widget. Simply react on these messages in an overwritten callback. Send the message for example to spinbox 1 if wheel one gets used and to spinbox 2 for wheel 2. C Source Code (95 lines) Regards, Sven

  • Hello Amit, when creating a button with the function BUTTON_Create(), the function returns a handle of the button. C Source Code (4 lines) This handle can be used to set different properties of a button, just like you want to do. Take a look into the sample attached. There I receive the handle of a button in two different ways. Regards, Sven

  • Hello Benze, Unfortunately I don't know your application, but can you reproduce this with a simple application? Anyway, drawing something outside of the WM_PAINT case in an application which uses the window manager is not recommended. Regards, Sven

  • Hi Constantine, Do I get you right that displaying BMPs from the SD card is working now? Regarding the J-Link interface, please post in the J-Link forum or conntact them directly via e-mail. Regards, Sven

  • Hi Constantine, can you attach the BMP file you want to display? How did you created the file? Regards, Sven

  • Hello Constantine, I can't reproduce this problem with the latest version of emWin. When calling these functions in this order GUI_Init() - GUI_Exit() - GUI_Init(), I have always the same amount of memory available after GUI_Init(). Between version 5.28 and 5.36 there were some changes to GUI_Exit() which might have solved the problem. Unfortunately it is not in our hand to keep the libraries provided by other companies up to date. Regards, Sven

  • Hello Constantine, You are right there was a bug in GUI_BMP_DrawEx() when the buffer used in the _GetData function wasn't big enough. This has been fixed and will be released with the next bug fix version (V5.36d) of emWin. We were able to avoid the bug if _acBuffer was big enough to hold one line of the image and the number of bytes read should were equal to the number of bytes required. Regards, Sven

  • Hi NKechi, When overwriting the callback you have to react on the different states of a button, too. This can be done by calling BUTTON_IsPressed(pMsg->hWin). It returns 1 if the button is pressed and 0 if not. Another way might be to use a custom skinning routine and react on the proper commands to distinguish between the state and which part of the buttons gets drawn. Please take a look into the emWin user manual (UM03001_emWin5.pdf) at chapter 22 'Skinning' for more information about skinning…

  • Hi NKechi, this can be achieved almost the same way (see attachment). Regards, Sven

  • Hello NKechi, attached is a sample which shows how to draw a window with AA corners. The first window gets drawn with AA routines and the second one uses a bitmap which contains an AA image (guess it wouldn't win a beauty contest due to my Photoshop skills..). Regards, Sven

  • Hello Hamed, is your device running on full speed? Do you use the Chrome Art Accelerator? Is the SDRAM configured properly? The best perfomance can be achieved if GUI_USE_ARGB is defined as 1 in the GUIConf.h and the Chrome Art Accelerator is used. The define GUI_USE_ARGB makes sure emWin uses the color format as required by the STM32F429. Unfortunately there is no way to re-configure emWin with a preprocessor define if you are using a precompiled library. But the latest version of STM32CubeF4 V…

  • Hi, the 'Big Endian' option effects only streamed bitmaps created by the BitmapConverter. Regards, Sven

  • Hi Ajay, attached is a sample which loads a BMP file via the window file system. This is for the simulation but should be easily adapted to run on HW with another FS. Also, you can do this for other formats like JPEG, GIF or PNG. For using PNG you need the additional PNG library which can be downloaded here: Make sure the path in '_acFileName[]' points to the BMP. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, Petr absolutely is right. Attached is a sample which will explain this with a bit more detail. Regards, Sven

  • Hi Gerrit, No, you didn't missed anything. Unfortunately this not stated in the manual. I guess we will add it to the manual. Regards, Sven

  • GUIDRV_CompactColor_16

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, If you have a bought a SEGGER product, please feel free to contact us directly. Simply write to It would be the best if you let us know your license number. I guess you are using a precompiled emWin library (such as the one coming from ST or KEIL). Unfortunately it is not possible to use a compile time configurable driver in a precompiled library. Regards, Sven

  • Hi Dave, When using a precompiled library the default look of the widgets is set to use the FLEX_SKIN. Unfortunately this makes some functions obsolete ,and CHECKBOX_SetImage() is one of those. But you can set a custom skinning routine which handles the drawing of the widgets. Attached is a quick sample which shows how to draw a custom bitmap in the checkbox. You can find more information about skinning in the emWin user manual (UM03001_emWin5.pdf) in chapter 22 'Skinning'. Regards, Sven