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  • Hi, We have implemented a workaround in the DLL, to be able to use unlimited flash breakpoints also in Mentor CodeBench. This is supported for J-Link software version V4.85d and later. Download-Link: How to use the workaround: Please refer to UM08001, chapter "Flash download", section "6.4.3 Mentor Sourcery CodeBench" Hope it helps. Best regards Alex

  • Hi, Can you please attached both files, so we can give it a quick try here? We are not aware of any problems with the merging functionality in J-Flash - Alex

  • Hi, Pin 1 on the J-Link side is where the blue cable of the 20-pin ribbon cable is connected to. There is only one way the 20-pin ribbon cable can be connected to J-Link (see plug on the connector)... See UM08001 (J-Link User Guide), chapter "Target interfaces and adapters", section "20-pin JTAG/SWD connector" for more information. - Alex

  • Hi, Quote: “But somewhere I read about connecting nTRST, but the Atmel documents all show this as not being connected. Is it needed for debug/breakpoint operation?” No, it is not necessary. Do you have optimizations for GCC enabled in Atmel Studio? We have seen problems with placing breakpoints on certain code lines when having optimizations enabled. It seems that sometimes Atmel Studio no longer places breakpoints correctly, in case code optimization is on. - Alex

  • Hi, Usually, there are two common ways to use a DLL in your application: 1) Explicitly load the library via LoadLibrary() and load all functions explicitly via GetProcAddress(). 2) Using the import library (linker settings -> Object/library modules) that is shipped with the SDK (JLink.lib in ETC). Just make sure that the lib is in the same directory as the DLL. Best regards Alex

  • Hi, Quote: “ JLinkExe connects to the J-Link Hardware, connected via USB. But it shows me a VTarget of 0.0 V.” Sounds like your target hardware is not powered. Or at least the 3.3V expected at pin 1 on the JTAG/SWD connector on the J-Link LITE Cortex-M cannot be measured. If your target is powered properly and you selected the device, it should work. Selecting the device is a must due to some special behavior of the nRF51 devices. Best regards Alex

  • Hi, Thanks for your inquiry. I assume that you are trying to program the internal flash of the ADuCM320. What I see in your gdbinit: Quote: “monitor WorkRAM = 0x20000000-0x2003FFFF monitor flash CFI = 0x00000000-0x00020000” Any idea what CFI flash is? It is a standard that is mainly used for external parallel NOR flash. The internal flash of the ADuCM320 has nothing to do with CFI. Just remove these two lines from your gdbinit and it has a pretty fair chance to work. Selecting the device should …

  • Hi, In general, this can be done via J-Flash and a so-called custom RAMCode. (See Non-memory mapped flashes: Serial NOR-, NAND-, DataFlash and EEPROM) We offer a custom RAMCode SDK (free of charge) which allows you to write such a custom RAMCode on your own. If you are interested in the custom RAMCode SDK, please get in touch with our sales department. Best regards Alex

  • Hi, We ordered such a board and will take a look at this problem when the board arrives here. Best regards Alex

  • Hi, Is your J-Link configured properly to be identified by the serial number? You are using a *very* old hardware version of the J-Link which has not been shipped with this setting from factory. Could you please do me a favor and start J-Link Commander and type: J-Link>rconf and post the output? - Alex

  • Hi, We are currently looking into the ARM version because this was initially only created for some specific customers for specific target platform and was never designed for the big-in-field usage. And as usual for Linux: There are always some differences between the distributions... There will be probably another build for the ARM platforms in the future, which is more designed for generic ARM platform running. But currently, there has not been assigned priority to this, as there are a lot of o…

  • Hi, Good to hear that it is working now. Seems the SAM4L series is tricky regarding hardware. We have seen multiple support requests for this CPU and almost all of them were hardware related. - Alex

  • Hi, My guess: The reset connection on the board is crap... Would not be the first board on which the reset is not wired correctly and will not be the last one. What behavior do you see? What do you mean with "and friends"? What else is not working? - Alex

  • Good to hear. Btw: Same applies for GDBServer. All the DLL needs to know is what device it is connecting to. Then it can perform the special handling required for this particular device. - Alex

  • Hi, No need for any script at all... Just tell the J-Link DLL to which device you are connected to. For J-Link Commander, start it like this: Source Code (1 line) That's it. Best regards Alex

  • Hi Hila, I still do not understand what you are looking for.... Quote: “We use the Segger Jlink DLL to configure and read registers or memory and to operate various HW modules thru USB while executing FW on the product.” Does this mean, you use J-Link, to download a certain firmware on the target, then set the PC (program counter) to the start of the firmware and execute it. This firmware will then perform some tests. ??? Quote: “As part of the validation we measure power consumption. For that p…

  • Hi David, Not really. There are a lot of other high-priority project open right now. Easiest way would be to ask the guys from Mentor to change this one line of code which does not set the breakpoint type to "any" and thus prevents you from using unlimited flash breakpoints when using ... Would be a lot easier than implement this extra stuff for the registers view etc. into GDBServer... Best regards Alex

  • Problem has been solved directly through official support channel.

  • Hi, We are not really negotiating. It will be added, it is just a matter of resources on their side, since the MTB stuff has been implemented in a new 3rd party driver framework which is currently only used by I-Jet and their J-Link implementation also need to be ported to this. I will ping them again regarding the timeframe. Best regards Alex

  • Hi Hila, What exactly are you looking for? The WFI and WFE are core instructions. They have nothing to do with the J-Link API... If your target application makes use of these instructions, it depends on the device you are using, if you are able to debug the device when using them because it depends on what clocks are turned off while a WFI / WFE is active. On the STM32F0 / F1 / F2 / F4 / L series devices, I know it is supported because the relevant clocks for debugging are not turned off. Best r…