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  • Quote from rdpoor: “I have a mildly complex JLink.exe script that gets launched from a .bat file via Source Code (1 line)... and I'd like to make it so others (including my future self) can understand what's going on in myscript.jlink. Is there a way to insert comments into a jlink script? ” Hey rdpoor, Have you checked the example pre-installed JLink connect scripts? From memory they have comments in them, at least the Segger copyright notice should be commented out.

  • Hey Fabian, Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “For sanity reasons could you try the same Setup with your J-Trace Pro? ” If you see above - I did already, see post from Oct 31st 2019 on this thread. I will re-check. I will re-try with my J-Link EDU too, not mini, haven't had chance yet. Quote: “I can assure you, that we did not link the SN of any J-Link to any of our customers personal information at any openly accessible platform. ” Yea but your distributors , whom I buy most, may. In any event, I can…

  • Quote from lukma: “Hi, Just to test if I can "break" the execution of the code (in some random place) - see if symbols are correctly loaded (after relocation) and resume. ” Oh ok. When you halt the target CPU at a random place with the monitor (monitor halt..), on your client you update/add the symbols , as you were doing it. It's kinda Ok. Or you script it to autoload/update for you. without monitor halt

  • Quote from lukma: “ The original question was about the possibility to emulate/generate with Segger setup the TRST and !RESET signals with micro seconds resolution. ” It is true, apologies I still do not understand why you want /need it. For what you wrote : Quote: “ ... SoC state after going out of ROM bootloader. ” Quote: “Unfortunately, the result is not acceptable - I still see SPL welcome prompt "U-Boot SPL 2019.10-00343-" after "mo reset". This is too late for early debugging. ... ” Seems …

  • Quote from lukma: “Hi, Thank you for your response. My approach (I think that it is what your suggested above): ” Lukma, If you / your Co is willing / in -need, I can deliver a working debug setup on U-boot and Linux kernel, for your SoC/board, if we agree contractually (need some money for food , or to buy more J-Links ) I deliver in a virtual machine (prefer VBox), and done this before. Setup will be based on Segger J-Link + GDBServer; hardware wise any J-Link above EDU, I would say, and, I st…

  • Hey Lukma, Quote from lukma: “(gdb) target remote localhost:2331 (gdb) hb *0x908000 ........... ” Yes.. Quote from lukma: “However, I would like to know how early I can stop the i.MX6Q when I do generate the reset (with 'mo reset'). This may be helpful when debugging the SoC state after going out of ROM bootloader. ” You should set it up from the first U-boot instruction, i.e. after ROM code loaded it and starts to execute it. I don't think you want to debug the SoC ROM code. Also keeping in min…

  • Hi Nino, Quote: “..... The GDB Server plugin is not compatible to Ozone or ES as the GDB Server has to use another approach due to the limitations of the GDB Protocol. So you can only use the available plugins from us in third party IDEs if the IDE uses the same API which I doubt. For third party IDEs most likely other plugins must be created which is usually out of our reach. We recommend using SEGGER software tools when debugging for compatibility. .... ” If the tool in question already uses J…

  • Quote from lukma: “... I would like to do it without any breakpoints set (HW or SW). Just break the execution of the code (at some random place), load symbols with offset - inspect the code and just resume execution. ” This seems a little contradictory : no breakpoint, but break the execution .. resume execution..

  • See here:…hout-uploading-to-target/

  • Interesting. So you saying, If I understand it right, it's coming out of reset but then is to quick for you to halt it ? Have you tried: connect to to the core, halt; set hardware bp at your wanted reset stop (0x908000 seems), reset the target & run. Should hit it.. [ Note: I provide U-boot & Linux kernel debug setup & consulting based on Segger J-Link; I focus on NXP iMXx, in particular with heterogenous cores - with real-time/M core and one or more A cores for Linux. Please shoot me a message …

  • Quote: “How to use them is explained in Ozone manual. ” Does it mean I can use Ozone's plugin (so library) in another IDE? Just making sure I understand it. (Through a public available API to the RTOS's *.so ? or how ? )

  • Hi, Quote: “Could you clarify which isolator you are currently using? ” USB Isolator ->…tors/j-link-usb-isolator/ Quote: “Does the same behavior occur when using another target board? ” Yes, I have purchased identical other / copy board. Also, have you not seen my above post, where you asked me to measure on pins with no board connected .. ? Quote: “Could you measure the voltage of the J-Link's 5V-pin when power off perm is used? ” Have you not seen my above post ?…

  • On one (or few) of my threads, one of Segger's moderators or support, replied to my questions with : Quote: “This is still *not* at support forum! Please familiarize yourself with the forum rules before posting ” I find this is nonsense as far as 'not a support forum' goes. Please look on what is printed on the page inside of my purchased Segger J-Link EDU unit, see photo attached.…0f713fbad36c1350c81041cd6 You clearly see the terms : "Support", "given", "forum", a…

  • I think this arch drawing helps explain why SWD /2-wire seems to work but not JTAG 4-wire .. I've seen at least few posts on Segger forum about problems with this IcePick. May be this was resolved somewhere already?…0f713fbad36c1350c81041cd6

  • I realized I had a Segger USB J-Link Isolator lying around.. So with J-Link EDU connected through the isolator, I 've brought it down to < 30 mV. Now my devboard stays off when I turn power off at least. The J-Link EDU seems is a little dodge, not worth the price _if_ you need isolator with it: At my Mouser - J-Link EDU: approx $20 - Segger USB isolator: approx $300 !! (whaaat?) and not in stock anyway . Next cheapest non-Segger isolator is approx $50.

  • Any way to get the RTOS awareness plugin when your IDE/ tool is _not_ using GDBserver but talks to J-Link using shared library? As for e.g. Ozone (as I understand it uses jlink dll/*.so ).

  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Hello, this should not be the case. When the voltage should be 0, when "power off perm" was called. It should not even reach close to 0.9V. Does this also happen, when no board is connected to the J-Link and you measure the voltage of the J-Link Pin? Best regards, Fabian ” Tested now, I read ~1.3+ V on J-Link pins after doing "power off perm", with no devboard connected ... Tried re-plugging it USB, same thing.

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “Bumping threads will only slow down our answering process as threads with oldest activity ” Oh ok, I did not know honestly. I can also openly say that, although I have J-Trace module (purchased directly from Segger, but haven't used any support for it) , I actually using J-Link Edu for this specific problem. J-Link EDU, as I think, that product has no official Segger support whatsoever, as I understand it. So you may ignore the issue I suppose ... (Although it persists…

  • I get 0.589V when just plugging the Cortex plug into the board, the J-Link EDU, with no external power on. If I power the board then, connect JLinkExe, set power off perm, and then turn off power supply, I get a constant reading 1.867V on the board, coming from J-Link. And then quitting from JLink , "q", seems to put it back around 0.9V .... Is that normal? I think not. With my J-Trace, it's ~ 0.0..V to start, and back to 0 with off. So J-Link EDU is probably to cheap, and leaks current into the…