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  • Hi, GUI_StoreKeyMsg() adds WM_KEY messages to a buffer. Without any windows, the buffered messages cannot be sent anywhere. As soon as you create the dialog and GUI_Exec() is called (GUI_ExecDialogBox() calls GUI_Exec()), the stored key message gets sent to the window that has input focus which is the dialog window. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, Thank you for reporting this issue. It will be fixed with the next version. For now, you can call GUI_GetKey() as a workaround to clear the buffer. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, You can modify the sample simply by replacing the Latin letters by Arabic letters in the BUTTON_DATA array. To display Arabic text in emWin, UTF-8 support has to be enabled, the font you are using must contain Arabic letters and the string has to be UTF-8 encoded. To encode a string, this UTF-8 encoding tool can be used. You can find more information about this in the manual under "Language Support". Our wiki also provides a sample for Arabic text. By the way: the latest emWin version 6.16 o…

  • Hi, As of right now, it is not possible to trigger interactions from user code. In our view it does not make much sense to manually trigger signals like a button click, since the button click itself should trigger an action instead. I'd recommend you to implement the touch controller on your hardware, so that you can make use of any touch-related interactions. Best regards, Florian

  • Reuse Animation

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, The delete callback can be used to e.g. free memory, but its purpose is not to restart the same animation. This can be done with the second parameter of GUI_ANIM_StartEx() which is the number of times the animation should be run. If you pass -1, the animation will run endlessly. In your case it would make sense to toggle a direction flag in the delete callback and make use of the flag in the item callback _AnimShiftRows(). Best regards, Florian

  • About GUI_KeyPad_Sample

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, Did you set all the necessary include paths to the emWin include directories and the Resource.h file in the Keil IDE? Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, I have attached an example on how a LISTVIEW appearance can be customized. The SWIPELIST widget might also be a viable option for your application. It is a list of items that the user can swipe through. The items can also hold bitmaps or other widgets. Here is an example: Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, emWin's supported character range is Unicode 0x0000 - 0xFFFF. This means 24-bit or 32-bit UC characters are not supported. Unicode is enabled per default, this means you can pass any value in the 16 bit range to GUI_DispChar(). To display non-ASCII character strings, UTF-8 support has to be enabled and the non-ASCII characters have to be in 8-bit hexadecimal form. Here you can find an encoding tool that converts any text (e.g. Arabic, Japanese...) into the 8-bit hexadecimal form. For example…

  • Hi, for the purpose you are describing a LISTVIEW widget would probably be the best choice. Unfortunately, this widget has not been added yet to AppWizard. You would have to add the LISTVIEW via user code (there is an explanation on that in the user manual). I suppose it would also be possible to build such an application using interactions and toggle buttons. But this would require a lot of interactions for moving and resizing the widgets. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, With the routines GUI_DispString()/GUI_DispChar() you could switch colors or fonts between strings with ease since the last char position is saved by the routines. But I'm afraid there is no easy way to do this with GUI_DispStringInRectWrap(). You would have to calculate the position for each char/string manually. GUI_GetStringDistX() can be used to check the x-size of a string with the currently set font. Use GUI_GetCharDistX() for single characters. By the way, to draw UTF-8 strings you ha…

  • Hi, you can receive information about emWin's memory during runtime using these routines: - GUI_ALLOC_GetNumFreeBytes() - GUI_ALLOC_GetNumUsedBytes() - GUI_ALLOC_GetMaxUsedBytes() A QR code uses a 1bpp bitmap, since there are two colors. By the way, the manual now also provides a formula to calculate the memory requirement of a QR code: Source Code (1 line) Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, with the current AppWizard version it is not possible to react on custom keys. This means the behavior would have to be implemented in the exported simulation project. I made an example application which reacts on the left and right arrow keys. Pressing the keys changes the AppWizard variables of the projects. The VALUECHANGED signal of a variable will trigger a SHIFTSCREEN interaction. To react on key input, I added a key hook function to GUIConf.c in the exported simulation project: C Sour…

  • Hi, currently AppWizard only processes keys when an object is focused, that can receive key input. For example, a focused slider changes its value when the corresponding arrow keys are pressed. So as of right now, AppWizard does not offer an interaction to react on key input. We will consider adding such an option to AppWizard with a future release though, as this definitely makes sense for using the AppWizard. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, the section of the Quick Start Guide you are referring to is a bit vague, since the "Use costum defined value" button was added to AppWizard in the meantime (after the Quick Start Guide was published). We will update the guide according to the new features/new user interfaces of AppWizard. Best regards, Florian

  • play AVI

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, I am sorry to have given you wrong information in my previous post. In fact, emWin is also able to display AVI files. The user manual lists two requirements for AVI files: - The codec to be used in AVI file has to be MJPEG - The AVI file has to contain an index list called idx1 list. The Wiki sample for movies on external media can also be used to display AVI files. If you want to display an AVI file from flash, you have to convert it into a binary array (using Bin2C). A sample how to displa…

  • Hi, I was able to reproduce the crash and fix the bug. The crash occurs because emWin runs out of memory. The bitmap created by the QR routine is 485x485 pixels big, because the ModuleSize is 5px and the version number is 20. A version number of 20 sets the size of the QR code to 97x97 (see here). Quote from BramPeeters: “l_pHandle = GUI_QR_Create( "Test", 5, 2, 20 ) ” It is recommended to pass 0 as a parameter for the version number. The bug fix will be published with the next emWin release. Be…

  • Hi, You should make sure that GUI_Init() is called before you use any other emWin routines. Also, I didn't see a superloop in the files you sent. It isn't crucial for the routines you are using but necessary for Window Manager related routines. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, have you set the WM_CF_HASTRANS flag to the IMAGE widget? Without the flag, a window will not be able to display any transparency. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, I'm not really sure yet what could cause a behavior like this. Is the transparency index of the GIF correct? Does this issue only appear when using emWin and otherwise the transparency is shown correctly? Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, this structure is undocumented meaning it is only used by emWin internally. The structure is only used for the monospaced fonts that are part of emWin (such as "FontMono8x16"). Font files generated by the Font Converter are not intended to be modified by hand as this could lead to unexpected behavior. Best regards, Florian